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Welcome to the Flotilla 12-9, District 5NR Web Site

Andy Smith (L) and Denny Nield prepare for a towing excercise with the CG crew from Station Indian River, Delaware.

Welcome to Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 12-09 based at Coast Guard Station Indian River, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Our flotilla was formed more than 30 years ago. Flotilla members include many experienced and knowledgeable mariners who have served the recreational boating and maritime communities for many years.

Coast Guard Auxiliarists enjoynig patrol on the Delaware Bay.

We patrol and serve in the Rehoboth, Indian River and Delaware Bays which are thriving recreational waterways. The Delaware Bay is also an important commercial entry port for the mid-Atlantic region.

Flotilla 12-09 Auxilarists enjoying patrol on Indian River Bay.    Coast Guard Auxilarists provide communication link between the Polar Bear Plunge organizers and the Coast Guard safety boats.

The overarching mission of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is to contribute to the safety and security of our citizens, ports, waterways and coastal regions. We balance our missions of Recreational Boating Safety and Coast Guard Support with Maritime Homeland Security and other challenges that emerge as a result of our growing understanding of changes required in the post-9/11 era.

What do we like to do best?

Help the public                                                                                              Teach
Work with children
Assist the Coast Guard

What are some of our duties?

Marine Safety
Safety Patrols
Search and Rescue                                                                           Administrative Support

What do these duties mean?

Education involves the passing of information from an experienced member to a less experienced individual involving information exchange and skill demonstration.

Marine Safety

The marine environment is often at odds with the development and progress of humans.
Flotilla 12-09 Auxiliarists watch the Lewes Canal for signs of fuel or oil spills or other polution.

Maintaining our precious resource from polluters and those intent on profiting from practices that will degrade the marine environment is the mission of the Marine Safety of the U.S. Coast Guard.

Safety Patrols
For those interested in at-the-helm boating, the Auxiliary offers a rigorous level of hands-on training and qualification as boatcrew and coxswain. Qualified Auxiliarists perform regular safety patrol missions in their local area and support local boating activities such as regattas, fireworks & fleet visits.

Flotilla 12-09 Auxiliarists prepare for side tow.

 In addition, the Auxiliary works side-by-side with their active-duty USCG counterparts in many other mission areas, including Environmental Protection, Commercial Vessel Safety Inspections, Port Security and Planning, Licensing and Documentation, and other vital operational roles. Auxiliarists receive training virtually identical to that of their active duty and reserve counterparts (with the exception of law enforcement and military specific tasks).

Search and Rescue
Coast Guard Auxilarists performing a simulated rescue.

Search and Rescue tasks involve many different elements such as participating in water and airborne search patterns, rescuing individuals in distress and assisting those with disabled vessels.

Administrative Support
Auxiliarists may learn to be Watchstanders which means monitoring the marine radio frequencies and responding to distress/emergency calls. Watchstanders also handle incoming telephone calls thereby relieving active Coast Guard members to perform other Coast Guard activities.


Fifth Northern Region Color Guard at Station Indian River, Delaware.


We invite you to explore our site and learn more about who we are and what we do to be Semper Paratus (Always Ready).

Would you like national information on these and other activities that you can do with the Coast Guard Auxiliary? Visit our national website.

For questions concerning this site, please contact our Web Manager by clicking on the  "Contact Us" tab on the left.

Last edited 06-21-24


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