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Workshop Archives

The information below is for reference purposes only and should not be used for compliance with 2021 workshop attendance.

Important: The Surface Operations Workshop was Required for 2020

The Surface Operations workshop was mandatory in 2020 for all coxswains, boat crew, personal watercraft operators (PWO), paddle craft operators, and associated trainees.  This workshop must be completed by June 30, 2020. If not completed by that date, program participants shall be regarded as not current in their competency, shall not be authorized to be assigned to duty to perform those program activities, and shall be placed in Required Workshop Not Met (REWK) status.

The workshops for the Air and Telecommunications teams were strongly recommended for 2020.

These workshops can be given by any Auxiliarist qualified in the respective operations area for that workshop.  This course needs to be taught by or under the supervision of an Auxiliary certified instructor.

Surface Operations

The Surface Operations workshop for 2020 is now available at this link in PDF format  

Or as a PowerPoint presentation at this link

The instructor PDF (with slide notes) for the Surface workshop is at this link.

Presenters are encouraged to enhance this presentation with additional slides and any Operational materials that are appropriate to your AOR. DONOT change or delete any slides already included in the slide deck.

Telecommunications Operations

The Telecommunications workshop (PDF) is meant as a refresher on good Telecoms practices.

This workshop should be given by an Auxiliarist qualified as AUXCOM or TCO.   If additional information is important for your AOR you may add these as a separate presentation or as additional slides. 

This presentation is also available in PowerPoint format. 

Instructor version (with slide notes) for the Telecom workshop is at this link.

 Air Operations

The Air Operations workshop (PDF) is available at this link. 

The AUXAIR workshop should not be changed in order to insure consistency for Air Operations across the country, the material in this workshop, for all AUXAIR personnel.  Any special notes for your local AOR should be presented in a separate slide deck. 

This presentation is also available in PowerPoint format.

The Instructor version (with slide notes) for the AUXAIR workshop is at this link.