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Everything you wanted to know about uniforms....
National has prepared an excellent power point presentation that covers every minute detail you need to know about Auxiliary uniforms. It has excellent graphics prepared by COMO Darren Lewis. You can access or download this presentation for your personal research or for use at a Flotilla or Division meeting by clicking on this link.
This presentation has uniform information current as of 11 DEC 2018.
Ordering Uniforms - Especially ODU - can be done from the Coast Guard Exchange web site. Note that you must create a profile using your member ID# and the Exchange sells only to common uniform items that are the same as the Coast Guard (ODU Pants, Blouse, Boots and Tropical Blue pants and shirts).
Ordering Other Stuff - Hats, auxiliary specific items like name badges, office insignia, etc. can be done through the Auxiliary Center.
Hot Weather Uniform Authorized in District 9 from Memorial Day to Labor Day
The D9 Commander has approved the use of the hot weather uniform (essentially T Shirts and Shorts). A handy uniform card is available. Please refer to the AuxManual Chapter 10-H.3 for further guidance.