8.1 |
The annual Flotilla dues shall be such sum of money as may be fixed by a majority vote at a regular or special meeting of the Flotilla, for which seven (7) days prior written notice of the meeting and intent were given, and shall remain fixed at such sum in ensuing years until otherwise duly changed by the Flotilla. |
8.2 |
The annual dues, including Flotilla, Division, District, and National, shall be levied on each member on a calendar-year basis and shall be payable during the month of September for the following calendar year. First year dues for new members shall be prorated as determined by District policy and shall be submitted with the enrollment application. |
8.3 |
No member who is separated from the Auxiliary by reason of resignation, or otherwise, shall be entitled to refund of dues paid. |
8.4 |
The Flotilla Finance Officer shall be the custodian of all Flotilla funds. With the consent of the Flotilla Commander, the Finance Officer shall establish an account with a federally insured banking institution or federal credit union in a location convenient to the Finance Officer. |
8.5 |
All flotilla funds, other than small cash sums in the process of collection, shall be deposited in this account which shall be known as "U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 25-08". All withdrawals from the account shall be by check only. |
8.6 |
The Flotilla Commander, or the Vice Flotilla Commander when acting in absence of the Flotilla Commander, is authorized to approve payment of all routine obligations as set forth in a flotilla budget approved by the Flotilla. |
8.7 |
Routine obligations include those incurred by the Flotilla in connection with carrying out officially adopted policy of the Flotilla and payments within the limits of the budget. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
• Purchases and engraving of authorized awards
• Publishing costs of a newsletter and/or notices
• Purchasing of public education and training materials
• Purchases of flags, pennants and Auxiliary uniform accessories
• Bills for all Flotilla functions and Division, District and national dues
8.8 |
The Flotilla Commander, or if the Flotilla Commander is unavailable, the Vice Flotilla Commander, may authorize emergency expenditures not exceeding a total of $100.00 in any one calendar month and direct the Finance Officer to pay for such. A full report of such emergency expenditures shall be made to the Flotilla at its next regular or special meeting. |
8.9 |
The Flotilla may, upon motion duly made and carried, set aside separate funds from the general funds to enable committee chairpersons of Flotilla functions to carry out the committee's responsibilities. The Flotilla Commander may authorize payment of bills from these funds. When the fund is depleted, no further bill may be authorized for payment without prior approval from the Flotilla. |
8.10 |
All other obligations, regardless of amount, will be considered as special obligations. Authorization to incur special obligations and requests for the appropriation of Flotilla funds must be submitted to the Flotilla for approval by duly filed and considered motions, except as otherwise provided in this Article. |
8.11 |
All disbursements of Flotilla funds shall be by check, signed by the Finance Officer, Flotilla Commander or Vice Flotilla Commander. Only one signature is required unless an additional signature is required as set forth in the Appendix to these Rules. |
8.12 |
The Finance Officer shall render a financial report at each regular meeting of the Flotilla, which shall include all receipts and expenditures since the last rendering of a financial report and the balance in funds remaining as of the day preceding the day of the meeting. Any emergency expenditure authorized by the Flotilla Commander included in the reported expenditures shall be so designated in the report. |
8.13 |
The chairperson of any duly appointed committee where Flotilla funds are involved will furnish the Flotilla Finance Officer with a monthly statement of the financial transactions of the committee. The chairperson will transfer to the Flotilla Finance Officer within thirty (30) days after completion of the committee activities, the balance of all monies received with a completed financial statement. |
8.14 |
The Flotilla may require by a duly enacted motion that the Finance Officer post a bond in an amount as the Flotilla may determine. All costs for such bond shall be paid by the Flotilla. |
8.15 |
Upon the appointment of a succeeding Finance Officer, the retiring Finance Officer shall promptly deliver all Flotilla funds, books and records to the succeeding Finance Officer. Whenever a new Flotilla Commander or Vice Flotilla Commander is elected, or a new Finance Officer is appointed, a new signature card reflecting the change will immediately be delivered to the banking institution or federal credit union. |
8.16 |
The funds, books and records of the Flotilla shall be examined by the Audit Committee yearly and upon the appointment of a new Finance Officer. For each expenditure, the Audit Committee will ensure that it was authorized and that there is a receipt signed by a person other than the Finance Officer or the person who authorized the expenditure. |
8.17 |
Flotilla general funds may be used only for the duly authorized purposes of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. They are permanently dedicated to the purpose of the Auxiliary and they may not inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, individual members of the Auxiliary. |
8.18 |
Upon disestablishment of a Flotilla, all general funds, financial records and property of the Flotilla must be turned over promptly to the division having jurisdiction over the disestablished Flotilla. |
8.19 |
An annual financial report for the preceding year must be prepared no later than 31January, and one must also be prepared upon the election of a new Flotilla Commander or appointment of a new Finance Officer. The Finance Officer must submit the financial report on Form ANSC #7025, "Financial Report of an Auxiliary Unit", to the Director of Auxiliary with copy to the District Commodore and Division Commander. |