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News from both the US Coast Guard Auxiliary and the US Coast Guard.

  • Auxiliarist of the Month for February has been announced! Do *you* have someone to recommend as Auxiliarist of the Month? Submit a nomination here
  • FEMA needs auxiliarists to help with geospatial damage assessments remotely when there is a natural disaster. They will provide training and just need folks willing to learn how to do it and then execute in response to an emergency. POC is Mr. Bill Hanlon ([email protected]); if auxiliarists are interested, they should contact him
  • Notice to Mariners:  Bridge, buoy and construction and other mariner-related information updated weekly by the Coast Guard. Covers the coasts of Washington, Oregon and all federally navigable waters in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana. 
  • MyCG News - This is the official Overview site for the United States Coast Guard. Here you will find information about the Coast Guard's missions, strategies and news.
  • USCG District 13 - Latest News 

 D13 Auxiliarists Visit Ballard Locks 

Art Like No Other - Don Hatcher