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Member training The Coast Guard Auxiliary provides multiple opportunities for members to earn certifications and save lives. The Vessel Examination & Partner Visitation (V) Directorate hosts the renowned Vessel Examiner (VE), Program Visitor (PV) and Auxiliary Life Jacket Study (AUXLWO) programs, and their respective trainings. Auxiliarists can learn here what it takes to be part of these exciting opportunities. Members should also login to view the Auxiliary Classroom offerings below.
Vessel Examiner A potential Vessel Examiner must review the Vessel Safety Check Manual (M16796.8A) for all directions to the Vessel Safety Check (VSC) program. Additional guidance is available for checks on personal water craft (PWCs) and checks on paddlecraft.
A trainee must then complete the Vessel Examiner Exam (VE) online at the National Testing Center. A practice exam is available online for a trainee to review their knowledge of the VE materials. The trainee's final test is to conduct five VSCs under the supervision of a certified VE. The five VSCs must be reported on form ANSC 7038. Maintaining certification To keep an active certification as a VE, you must conduct at least five VSCs per year. Failure to do five VSCs means you must conduct two supervised VSCs in a year or certification will lapse after five years. A VE may also review the annual workshop, now available for 2025. The attestation for reviewing the annual workshop is also available. Other resources for Examiners Potential Vessel Examinations staff officers at the flotilla, division and district levels can take advantage of these informative job descriptions. The 2024 annual National Vessel Examination Summary is also now available. Staff officers for vessel examinations can submit requests for additional VSC decals as outlined in the Vessel Safety Check Decal Distribution Standard Operating Procedure.

Program Visitor A potential Program Visitor must review the RBS Visitation Program Manual (M16796.3) for all directions to the PV program. A trainee must then complete the Recreational Boating Safety Program Visitor Exam (MDV) online at the National Testing Center. The trainee's final test is to conduct two program visits under the supervision of a certified PV. The two visits must be reported on form ANSC 7046. Maintaining certification To keep an active certification as a PV, you must conduct at least four visits per year. Failure to do four program visits means you must conduct two supervised visits in a year or certification will lapse after five years. A PV may also review the annual workshop, now available for 2025. Other resources for Visitors PVs can use this helpful brochure to guide their discussions during program visits. Potential Program Visitation staff officers at the flotilla, division and district levels can take advantage of these informative job descriptions. The 2023 annual RBS Visitation Program Summary is also now available.

Life Jacket Wear Study Observer A potential AUXLWO Study Observer must review the AUXLWO Standard Operating Procedures. The online training from partner organization JSI is currently under improvement and will be available soon. Maintaining certification To keep an active certification as an AUXLWO Observer, you must remain active in the study and complete an annual refresher training program. Observers have to repeat the full course in their second year of certification. Other resources for Observers AUXLWO observers can use this helpful PDF presentation to share the story of the AUXLWO program.
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