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Leadership Training
The Auxiliary has several leadership courses. From time to time Flotilla Leadership Training is offered through District 9CR at one of the semi-annual training meetings (DTrain) or as an on line course. This is "nuts and bolts" training - who gets what reports and when, what are the day to day duties of the Flotilla Commander, etc.
The Auxiliary also has leadership classes of a more theoretical nature in a continuum for each level of elected leadership. These are offered as "C" Schools which will be listed on this national web page.These are usually 40 hour courses, often offered in two sections each over a long weekend.
AUXLAMs - Auxiliary Leadership and Management is the entry level course for Flotilla leadership. It is identical to the Active Duty LAMS (Leadership and Management Course), from time to time members may be able to take a LAMS course in lieu of AUXLAMS. This course covers to basics of being a first level manager and leader in the Auxiliary - how to deal with volunteers, which management styles work -- and when, personal growth, etc.
AMLOC - Auxiliary Mid-Level Officer's Course is for potential Division leaders (VCDR and DCDR) as well as District Staff Officers. This course covers how to manage and lead through others.
Senior Officers (District Captains and Commodores) have their own leadership training.
If you are interested in any of these courses please talk to your Flotilla Commander or Member Training Officer.
Leadership Succession Planning
The Auxiliary is a dynamic organization that continually needs new leadership - both in the elected and appointed staff roles. All leaders must actively plan for their replacement. The Leadership Succession Planning Guide is a road map for successful succession planning and should be in very leaders tool kit.