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1.  Dues: The Flotilla Finance Officer will send dues notices to the members no later than 01 September of each year. Members are to pay dues during the month of September for the following year.

  Dis-enrollments: The Flotilla Commander shall complete any disenrollments and submit required paperwork to the DSO – HR by 20 November. The DSO – HR will process the paperwork, in accordance with  District policy, and then forward to the DIRAUX by 01 December. The AUXDATA roster as of 31December, of each year, will be the basis for National, District and Division billing.

End of year reports:  Flotilla Commanders shall have all end of year reports (Finance and Material)  complete and submitted to Division Commander by 31 January.  Division Commander shall have end of year reports forwarded to D-Capt by 20 February.

4.  Payment of Dues: Division is required to pay membership dues by 28 February.  All Flotilla shall have their dues paid prior to this date.