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The following is a compilation of sections appearing in Chapter 10 of the AUXMAN

Hot Weather Uniform

The Hot Weather Uniform is authorized as an optional uniform for Auxiliarists. It is not appropriate for routine office wear. It is not authorized for wear while commuting to and from a Coast Guard duty station or any public affairs setting, although it may be worn directly to and from a point of Auxiliary patrol or vessel safety check activity.

H.3.a. Shirt
The Coast Guard dark blue crew neck T-shirt is the prescribed shirt with this uniform. The Auxiliary Operations Polo Shirt may be worn with this uniform as an alternative for patrol activities, and the optional VE shirt may be worn when conducting vessel safety checks. 

H.3.b. Shorts
Modified standard Coast Guard blue utility or ODU trousers hemmed at the knee or 1 inch above the knee are worn.

H.3.c. Belt
If modified standard Coast Guard blue utility trousers are worn, then a black web belt with a silver buckle and tip is worn. The buckle may be plain or display the Auxiliary emblem. If modified ODU trousers are worn, then the standard black ODU belt or the optional riggers belt is worn (see section H.4 of this chapter).

H.3.d. Socks
Socks shall be all white, athletic type, crew length.

H.3.e. Shoes
Well-blackened 8-inch or 10-inch safety boots are worn. Excess laces shall be tucked away so they cannot be seen.
The boat shoe, (dark blue or brown leather, low cut of moccasin type construction with functional rawhide lacing, brass eyelets, and non-marking sole) is an authorized option for Auxiliarists, regardless of type ODU that is worn (regular or hot weather version).

All white or all black, low top, athletic shoes with nonskid/non-marking soles are also authorized for Auxiliarists.
H.3.f. Insignia Metal collar or sew-on insignia are worn with this outfit. No insignia are worn on the ODU t-shirt. 

H.3.g. Breast Depending upon the type of shirt worn, name tags/insignia/devices are worn in accordance with section F.4 of this chapter. Badges and ribbons are not worn. No insignia are worn on the ODU T-shirt, the Operations Polo Shirt, or the VE polo shirt.

H.3.h. Hat The blue working utility cap, Auxiliary ball cap, and Coast Guard unit
Ball cap (if authorized) are the prescribed hats to be worn with this uniform. The Tilley hat may be worn in accordance with section D.3.f of this chapter, which states: The Auxiliary sun hat (Tilley Hat) is a dark blue wide-brimmed cotton hat, with the words "U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary" embroidered in silver on the front. The sun hat may be worn in lieu of a ball cap when wearing Undress Blue Summer (Bravo), Working Blue, ODU, the Jump suit, Hot Weather uniform, or when on patrol or on VE missions (includes VSCs, personal watercraft (PWC) safety checks, and examinations of UTVs/UPVs/CFVs). The correct method of wearing the hat is with the brim down for maximum sun protection. No insignia may be worn on the hat. AUXCEN carries the only hat authorized.

Notes by the DCDR:
• No civilian outer wear, except for socks, shall be worn with this uniform. In other words, except for socks, no civilian outer wear can be worn as part of this uniform, or any uniform for that matter.
• The Hot Weather uniform is not authorized to be worn at a PA event. For instance, if an Auxiliarist is performing VSCs at a ramp they cannot then go to a PA booth or setting, as stated in the introduction above.
• The OIC of the activity sets the uniform for the activity but it must be done in accordance with the uniform components described above.
For instance, it the OIC chooses the HWU then the OIC can choose which of the three shirts (H.3.a above) is to be worn; all members must wear the same shirt, but all present must have the ODU shorts (the ODU shorts is the only choice for the Hot Weather Uniform). Because of cost considerations any of the shoes styles mentioned in Sec H.3.e can be worn at a single event. On a similar note, a member may choose either the ball cap or the Tilley Hat.
• Except for shoes and hat all participants in an activity where the HWU is prescribed will wear the same, exact uniform.
• Unless and until countermanded by DIRAUX or the US Coast Guard, the period of time the HWU is authorized for DIV 14 is the start of NSBW and ends 30 SEP.
• For activities where the Hot Weather Uniform is not in use for outside activities, in the presence of the public or if there is a chance to be seen by the public, Auxiliarists will wear either ODUs, Trops, or Summer Undress Blue (Summer Alpha). The OIC of the activity will set the uniform for all members.