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Return to Flotilla 22-5's Home Page.

You can access some of the flotilla governance and procedural documents by clicking on the document links below. Please be patient, the files take a bit of time to load.

Please note that these files are not stored on the Flotilla 22-5 website and that the USCG Auxiliary makes no claims about the security, policy or standards of the linked site.


 ID Cards
ID Card Procedures (PDF)
ID Card Application (PDF)  ID Card Application (MS Word)
 Standing Rules
 Standing Rules  Appendixes 1 & 2    


Web Site Changes

 Meeting Minutes

 Feb 4, 2016 Nov. 3, 2016   Dec. 1, 2016  
 Feb. 5, 2015  Mar. 5, 2015 April 2, 2015   
 May 7, 2015
June 4, 2015
Sept. 3, 2015
 Mar 6, 2014  April 3, 2014  May 1, 2014  
Sept. 4, 2014  Oct. 2, 2014  Nov. 7, 2014   
Sept 9, 2013