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Return to Flotilla 25-8's Home Page.

This page provides access to the flotilla's administrative documents that are stored in the flotilla's Google Drive account.  Administrative documents include those such as:  Past Meeting Minutes and Financials, Governing documents (Standing Rules, adopted motions, etc.), and presentations archived for member reference.  There may be other types of documents provided in the future.

These documents are maintained by the Flotilla's leadership team, and other flotilla members that may be given access to the Google Drive account from time to time to carry out assigned duties.

The documents accessible here, while not necessarily considered sensitive, are not appropriate for direct access by the general public.  Therefore, this page is "protected" and viewable only by USCG Auxiliary members when they are logged in with their member zone credentials.

To allow you to access flotilla documents as conveniently as possible, a separate login to Google Drive is not required.  You only need the link provided below to access the documents in view-only mode.

Please do not share this link, or other links associated with the Google Drive account pages, with non-flotilla members without first receiving permission from flotilla leadership.

Click below to access the Mt. Vernon Flotilla's document Google Drive:

(After clicking the button, and the page loads, press "V" to toggle list/grid view)

Access Mt. Vernon Flotilla Documents on Google Drive

You may also jump to specific document repository folders in the list below.