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Division Officer's Report
All officers of Division 24 should complete this report no later than the last day of the month.
How to fill out:
Enter your name
Enter your position (e.g. SO-MT)
Complete each section:
- Activity - What has happened in your Area of Responsibility last month? Use bullet points and highlight major activity - give numbers if possible (such as how many vessel safety check) , cover any special events and give credit to star performers or outstanding Flotillas.
- Planned - What is planned in your Area of Responsibility for the next month or two - list special events, programs, etc. What are you planning as the Division Staff Officer such as visiting a Flotilla to talk about your area? If you need assistance of other staff officers mention that here.
- Problems - Is there anything that will prevent you from doing your job or planned activities? What issue might arise the the Division Bridge could assist in resolving. (Don't list personnel issues but cover them through the Chain of Leadership and Management).
Enter the Division number in the "poor man's anti-spam" block. That is, enter 091-24.
Click on submit.
That's it - the report will go to the Division Bridge and will be forwarded to the FSOs in your AOR as well as your District Staff Officer.
Questions, issues or problems should be brought to the attention of the SO-CS (use AuxDirectory) for his/her email.