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DOD Safe- Training Presentation
DOD Safe Info Paper
E2 Solutions Travel Instructions
Supplier Request Form
TDY Request Form
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. How do I password protect a document?
A. PDF/Adobe Pro is a licensed application that comes with a cost. If you are having trouble password protecting a document, send document to DIRAUX via DOD Safe Drop.
Q. Why do I need to forward my Supplier Number to DIRAUX?
A. DIRAUX assigned Administrator for E2 Solutions and D5-s Auxiliary members.
Q. Why is DIRAUX sending me a forwarded email? Why can’t I just receive my own email to log into E2 Solutions?
A. The initial log-in and the ETS software requires a .mil or .gov account for set up for primary email. Pay and Personnel Center (PPC) created a fix for this solution by allowing DIRAUX to enter AUX member by creating a more streamline approach.
Q. Do I have to call SATO for travel arrangements?
A. No everything/airfare and hotel is online under make reservations. Note: in some cases AUX are asked to call hotel directly to receive AUX discounted rate (AUX C-school)
Q. As an Auxiliary member will I have an E2 Solutions user log in?
A. Yes, you will be able to log into E2 Solutions to complete your travel authorization and travel voucher. You will have a username and password, ONLY SUBMITTING electronic travel voucher. (After travel is completed)
Q. For C-School travel does the travel authorization need to be created first or before travel?
A. Yes, CWT-Sato will not confirm airfare without a travel authorization be created and approved in E2 three days prior to travel.
Q. For C-School do I use the E2 Booking tool for lodging/hotel?
A. No, For C-Schools you will contact the hotel directly (lodging information are on your travel orders CG-4151)
Q. For C-School do I use the E2 booking tool for airfare?
A. Yes, be sure to select YCA or CA (your account is set up to use USCG CBA) with the booking tool you will not pay out of pocket if you have the authorization approved three days prior to travel.
Q. Do I need a credit card for E2 set up or travel?
A. No, a credit card is not needed for USCG travel or E2.
Q. When requesting travel, as the first step, do members need their supplier number?
A. Yes.
STEP 1: must request a supplier number from FINCEN using (EFT/Supplier Request form) find link below..
STEP 2: send Supplier number to DIRAUX then DIRAUX creates E2 account.
STEP 3: Member Initialize E2 account.
Travel STEP 4: Create an authorization.
Travel STEP 5: Create a Voucher