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1.All members in good standing of USCGA Flotilla 25-08 through voluntary contributions of valuable time and extraordinary effort are eligible to be recognized with awards, commendations or special recognition. This recognition will be for enhancing or furthering the mission of the USCG Auxiliary.2.Any member in good standing can nominate another member for such recognition in the following categories*:
a.Vessel Examination (Vessel Safety Checks) – Number of VSCs per AUXDATAb.Public Education – Number of hours as lead/aide per AUXDATA
c.Program visits – (RBSVP) – Number of visits per AUXDATA
d.Public Affairs – Number of hours per AUXDATA or AUXINFO
e.Coxswain – Number of hours per AUXDATA
f.Crew – Number of hours per AUXDATA
g.Training – Number of hours as trainor per AUXDATA or AUXINFO.
h.Total Mission Hours – Number of hours per calendar year per AUXINFO.
i.Other meritorious support – FC decides if warranted outside listed categories
3. Awards will generally fall into two categories: FLOTILLA SERVICE or FLOTILLA EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE.
4.Where minimums are established to retain qualification, a member must have performed three times the minimum requirement, or more, to be eligible for recognition for "Exceptional Service", e.g., complete at least 15 vessel safety checks (VSC's). Members who meet the minimum requirements, but do not qualify for the Exceptional Service Award, will be presented with the Flotilla Service Award."5.Exceptional Service Awardees will be presented with a plaque and certificate. Those earning the Service Award will be presented with a certificate.
6.The Awards Committee will review all award recommendations and forward their selections to the Vice Flotilla Cdr. The awards will be based on a 12 month period using data recorded in AUXDATA and AUXINFO beginning with November and December of the previous year. The Vice will then make the final determination of the award winners by consulting with the FSO-IS in early November and submit his/her recommendation to the FC for approval. The Committee will have the plaques or certificates available for the December Change of Watch (COW) luncheon.
7.Minimum hours required to receive a Flotilla Service Award:
a.COXSWAIN and CREW – 12 hrsb.VE – 5 VFCs
c.PE – 2 hrs lead and/or 4 hrs as aide(or combination; aide hrs count as half lead hours).
d.PA – 6 hrs
e.RBSVP (Recreational Boating Safety Visit Program) – 4 visits
f.Trainor – 2hrs as lead teaching member class
g.Total hours – Exceeding 100 missions hours prior to COW
8.Minimum hours required to receive the Exceptional Service Award:
a.COXSWAIN and CREW – 36b.VE – 15
c.PE – 6 – 6 hrs as lead; 12 hrs as aide or combination of lead + aide
d.PA – 18 hrs
e.RBSVP – 12 visits
f.Trainor – 6 hrs as lead
g.Total hours – Exceeding 300 mission hours prior to COW
9.FLOTILLA AUXILIARIST OF THE YEAR award – A plaque will be presented to the member in good standing who displays exemplary service during the year advancing the goals of the Flotilla, and/or personally contributing above and beyond normal expectations of service by Flotilla members. Minimum eligibility for this award is for a member to be BQ qualified and in good standing in the Flotilla for the previous 12 months. The Awards Committee, VFC and FC will make the final determination after considering all recommendations from Flotilla members.
10.The FC has the authority to make additional awards as deemed appropriate within budgeted fund constraints.
11. Rather than presenting a member with multiple plaques and/or certificates, a single plaque/certificate will be presented with individual annotations or lines for each award.
12.An Awards Committee will be established by the FC to implement this awards policy as well as create/establish/endorse any specialty awards recommended by Flotilla members outside the purview of the awards committee. This Committee will consist of a Chair and two members in good standing. All awards must be approved by the FC.
13.Recommendations for changes to this award policy should be made in writing to the FC prior to September 1 of each year.
* Note1: Category hours are recorded by official AUXDATA supplemented by AUXINFO reports generated by USCG Webform 7029 and other forms such as Forms 7030, 7038, 7039, etc. The FC may also authorize credit for member activity which for any reason was not recorded by AUXDATA or AUXINFO.
Note 2: Awards are not necessarily presented each year if hours and/or activities are not annotated in official forms.
Note 3: Policy updated 2 Jan 2015 by passed resolution at Nov 2014 meeting which added new category of awards for total hours served in calendar year.EFFECTIVE DATE: January 3, 2015