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Note: If you are an Auxiliarist in a flotilla other than Flotilla 054-25-08 (Mt. Vernon), then do not follow the specific guidance on this page and do not send email to the Mt. Vernon address. Your flotilla will have its own process. Check with your Flotilla Commander to learn about the process you should use for your flotilla. Thank you.
Mt. Vernon Flotilla members ONLY, always remember to send an "Assigned to Duty" message to "[email protected]" before you head out to any USCG or USCG Auxiliary activities (e.g., a Flotilla workshop, maritime patrol, to staff a USCG Auxiliary booth at a boat show, stand a watch at Station Washington, etc.)
That way, if you are involved in an accident while en route to the activity, you will have a better chance of having your medical treatment or damage to your vehicle compensated, at least in part, by the U.S. Coast Guard. The "Assignment to Duty: What Every Auxiliarist Needs to Know" memo provides more detail on the topic.
There is no Assigned to Duty website. You just need to send an email to the [email protected] e-mail address, preferably from the address you have on record in your Aux Directory profile.
There is no required format for these messages, just include your name, perhaps your member ID, and a brief note explaining the what, the when, and the from/to where you'll be traveling. Do not CC anyone else on the email.
From: Joe Auxiliarist <[email protected]>
Subject: Assigned to Duty: J. Auxiliarist, 1231234
This is to advise that I will be driving from home to attend the Flotilla 25-08 Workshop at 18:00 this evening.
You will receive a short "auto-response" email confirming that your message was received. Do not reply to this auto-response email - no one will see it.
Now, if you are injured going or coming to an Auxiliary mission, there will be a record that you were "on-duty" when the injury occurred.
Send Flotilla 25-08 Assigned to Duty email
This link button will open a new email in your default mail browser with some info pre-populated. If you are signed in with your Member Zone Credentials it will also include your name and member ID. Note, this may not work with all email clients and browsers. If it doesn't work with yours, just create and send an email in the usual fashion containing the information in the example above.