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Flotilla 39-6 What's New!


Charter Day

On July 17th, 1941, 095-39-06 was chartered. 83 years of service to our nation! 


95-39-06 September 2023 Meeting Awards

John Lenhard receiving the Coast Guard Sustained Auxiliary Service Award from FC Marc Pullman. The award recognizes ten years of service to the USCGAUX.



 Larry Libauer receiving the Membership Service Award from FC Marc Pullman. The Service Award is for ten years of service to the USCGAUX.


 95-39-06 received the 2022 District 9 WR 1st Place Ribbon for Marine Safety. Pictured are FC Marc Pullman and FSO-MS Jay Katzman.

Wilmette Police Dept Open House

Sunday, May 7th, 2023


 39-06 FSO's at work: Jason Pfeffer and Jay Katzman


 39-06 FSO's Jason Pfeffer and Jay Katzman and guests talking about paddleboat safety.


 39-06 FC Marc Pullman and VFC Chris McAuliffe staff the information table.
