Division 37 Member Training
Posted by: James Plunket
Division 37 Member Training Officer (SO-MT) is Jason Galoozis
Member Training includes a wide range of topics from federally mandated topics to boating skills. It is done at various levels from District to Division and down to Flotilla level. All Auxiliarists must pass a boating skills course to become Basically Qualified (BQ) before progressing on to specialties in Operations (OPS) and Recreational Boating Safety (RBS). Some are available in a class-room setting, some on-line and some on the water. All of this training is free.
Members are also required to complete Coast Guard MANDATED TRAINING (Available at the following link: wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=T-DEPT&category=auxmt )
Contact your Flotilla Member Training Officer (FSO-MT) to get started.
37-03 (Bolingbrook) Jason Galoozis
37-25 (Willowbrook) Tim Hudson