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Auxiliary members teaching basic charting

Flotilla 39-06 has an extensive depth of knowledge and skills available to teach.  Our instructors have a deep and vast knowledge of maritime procedures and best practices. We currently offer a variety of public education courses to the general boating public.  

Please click here to be directed to the USCG Auxiliary Boating Safety Education site to search for up-to-date information on classes available in your area. 

If you have any questions regarding local class offerings, please contact our Flotilla Staff Officer for Public Education (FSO-PE) - Dan O'Connell.  Dan can be reached on his cell at (847) 436-5449 or via email at [email protected].

Interested in Taking a 2023 Boating Safety Education class?

Flotilla 39-06's upcoming classes include:

At the Chicago West Marine store (All Boat America course):
Saturday, April 29
Saturday, May 13
Saturday, June 3

At New Trier Extension:
Boat America
Starting Monday, May 1
Starting Tuesday, May 30

Weather & Boating
Tuesday, May 9
Wednesday, June 7

We very much appreciate the support both of our outstanding partners continue to provide to our PE program!