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Cybersecurity Directorate Help Wanted

The Cybersecurity Directorate is always looking for talented motivated members to help support its mission. Auxiliarists with information security experience in the public, private, or academic sectors are encouraged to apply.

Candidates should be able to demonstrate experience and ability in setting goals, creating schedules, authoring excellent written products, and briefing results. They should be able to work both independently and in a volunteer team environment.

The following requirements are needed for an appointment:

  • Must be in BQ or AX status. Members in AP status will not be considered.
  • Must be current with all Auxiliary Core Training.
  • Must have been in Auxiliary for at least one year (waivers may be available in very rare instances).
  • Due to the nature of some positions, a DI/DO PSI may be required.
  • Some positions have baseline certification requirements. A matrix of acceptable certifications is available.   

    If interested, please submit a resume, ANSC 7062, and cover letter (email is fine) that includes : (1) why you want the position, (2) why you are qualified for this position, and (3) your plans for this position, if appointed. Send all materials together to the DIR-Y/DIR-Yd.
  • Currently Open Vacancies:
    • None currently - check back soon
    Planned Positions (you may express interest - however positions have not yet been approved for staffing):
    • None currently - check back soon
    Additional future vacancies are planned and will be published when appropriate.