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Document and Administration Division of the W-Directorate

Materials Officers Headline Banner

Introducing the Materials Staff -  Administration Division of the W-Directorate

Coast Guard Auxiliary Seal
Ken Sylvester, BA-WAMT Desiree de Liser, BA-WAMS

Branch Chief of Materials

Ken Sylvester
Branch Assistant of Materials Training

Desiree de Liser, 
Branch Assistant of Materials Supplies

This site will serve as your one-stop resource for all things materials. It is a work in progress, and we invite your input and encourage you to visit this site often. The goal is to provide the material officers with the guidance and support they need to make the job easier.

The Contact List will give you easy access to email and phone number information for the W- Directorate staff members and all the DSO-MAS

What’s New will contain any immediate updates you should know about regarding policy changes or inventory announcements. Please share the information with your materials team as soon as possible.

Job Aids Kit will have copies of documents, meeting and reporting schedule, helpful hints, and best practices.

Resources will contain links to uniform information, literature, auxiliary benefits, PA outreach materials.

Share with us your needs and ideas.

Enjoy the information that has been gathered so far.

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