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Telecommunications Qualifying Information

There are no "Currency Maintenance" tasks for the TeleCommunications area at this time.  Qualification information can be found in the links below (or the left navigation bar)


Radio Facility Operators (Fixed and Mobile) Qualification Information

To become involved in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Telecommunications program, applicants must become certified as Telecommunications Operators (TCO).  All operators of fixed land and land mobile radios must be certified as TCO.  Additional details of the qualification requirements for TCO can be found at this link.

To become involved in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary High Frequency (HF) Program applicant must first be qualified as a Telecommunications Operator (TCO).  Prior HF communications experience, either through commercial, military, and or amateur radio experience, will also prove helpful but is not required.  Additional details of qualifications for the HF program are at this link.