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QE Resources

This page is designed to assist Qualification Examiner's (QE's) in the Boat Crew Program. The page contains required dockside oral examination, initial check ride, three year evaluation/recertification check ride documents and document for applying to become a QE. 

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The below files and/or enclosures are from the Auxiliary Boat Crew Qualification Handbook, ABQH 16794.52 (series) or Auxiliary Training Handbook – Boat Crew. 16794.51 (series).


Appendix D - QE Application Form 

Appendix E - QE in Training (QEIT) Form

Appendix F - QE Appointment Letter


TASK BCM 02-02 - Physical Fitness & Vision 


CREW Dockside Oral Exam

CREW Initial Underway Checkride 

CREW - ENC 1 - 3 year / RECERT 


COXN Dockside Oral Exam

COXN Initial Underway Checkride

COXN - ENC 2 - 3 year / RECERT 

PWO Dockside Oral Exam

PWO Initial Underway Checkride 

PWO - ENC 3 - 3 year / RECERT

 Demo Video - Color and Vision Evaluation