Air Operations Division
Within its program management responsibilities, the Air Operations Division designs and develops program components that focus on flight standards, flight safety, aircraft maintenance, continuing education, qualification and currency maintenance for our leaders, pilots and other crewmembers. The Division also provides subject matter expertise and consultation on Auxiliary aviation concerns to Coast Guard headquarters program management leadership, the Chief Director’s office, and NEXCOM. In addition, they also provide consultation and support to the District staff members who are charged with the responsibility for the Aviation operation in the field on Coast Guard and Auxiliary policy, and aviation safety.
The Division has branches in several major areas of expertise, including training, aero medical, flight safety, flight standards, IP/FE liaison, aircraft standards and aviation management. Highly skilled and competent aviators are vital to support safe and effective execution of Coast Guard and CG Auxiliary missions.
Our Flight Standards Branch leads the development of high quality standards and qualification guidelines that reflect both the rigor of the Coast Guard’s operational standards and the diverse nature of the Auxiliary mission and platform. The Branch organizes and facilitates the CG Auxiliary Standardization (STAN) Team, which promotes an ongoing dialogue with Coast Guard and Auxiliary leadership to recommend policy.
The Training Branch focused on upgrading Coast Guard Auxiliary aviation instructional programs (C-Schools) and on extending the reach of those programs while exercising sound fiscal stewardship. By design, the Training Branch emphasizes continuing education, qualification and currency maintenance for our leaders, pilots, and other crewmembers.
The Administration Branch is focused on aviation program management, aviation reporting and support for District administrative tracking.
The Aircraft Standards Branch develops aircraft standards and tracks maintenance requirements.
The IP/FE Liaison Branch works with Auxiliary Instructor Pilots and Flight Examiners to Standardize training and flight exam procedures.
The Safety Branch places a high level of emphasis on safety. These experienced aviators, review mishap data and safety initiatives from both Coast Guard and civilian safety professional to provide the latest trends to safely enhance aviation operations. Working with the Training Branch, the Safety Branch provides instruction in areas such as human factors and crew resource management.

AUXAIR is an Auxiliary operational program, but organized on a district level rather than on a flotilla and division basis.

Division Staff Officer Job Descriptions
These are the job descriptions for Division level staff officer positions that support the National Directorate of Response activities.