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Whats New in AuxAir

The Responder - Fall 2021

The latest edition of the Directorate News letter for 2021 ( The Responder ) is now available.

The Fall 2021 edition of The Responder is now available at this link

New Updated Codes for 7030 Form

Tue, 27 Apr 21  

Important: There are new codes to be used when reporting your operational hours on the 7030 form.  Take a look at this link for details.


AUXDATA II User Guide for Auxiliary Aviation Patrol Orders

A new manual/presentation is now available for how to enter Aviation patrol orders into the new AUXDATA II system.  The manuals are in the Training and Qualifications Guide section at this link

Auxiliary Aviation CRM Initial Instructor PQS

Sun, 19 Apr 20  
The Memo, Performance Qualification Standard (PQS) guidelines, and sign-off sheets detailing the Aviation Crew Resource Management (CRM) Initial Instructor PQS is now available at this link under the section headed Training and Qualification Guides and Manuals

SOP for Auxair Mishap Reporting

Mon, 14 Aug 17  
A message from the National Commodore on The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Auxiliary Air Mishap reporting, which is specifically aimed at the requirement for timely and accurate reporting of such
events, is available at this link

Auxiliary Aviation Maintenance Policy Change

Sat, 24 Jan 15  

The Coast Guard has implemented a major change in policy for Auxiliary Aviation (AUXAIR). The legacy policy requiring strict adherence to a manufacturer’s recommendation for time-between-overhauls (TBO) for engines and propellers has been replaced in favor of a policy that requires specific inspections and condition monitoring for all AUXAIR aircraft.

The Coast Guard Headquarters message on the Updated Aviation Facility Maintenance Policy can be found at this link.   For additional information and clarifications see the FAQ document at this link and the Response Directorate's white paper at this link.

Aux Air 101 For Leaders

Tue, 24 Jun 14  

Please click the following link for more information about : AuxAir101ForLeaders

  • AuxAir program regulations and structure
  • Responsibilities and functions within program context
  • Where to find relevant documentation
  • How to assist and manage District Aviation program leadership

Aviation PPE Best Practices

Mon, 15 Oct 12   Posted by: Wilson RIggan

Recommendations for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The Aviation Standardization Team has established a set of recommendations for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to be worn and/or carried aboard Auxiliary Aircraft when operating under orders.  

Please take a look at the document via this link.

Are you wondering what it takes to get qualified in in the various programs in the Response area: Surface Operations, Air Operations or as a TCO in Tele Communications?  Qualification guides and information can be found at this link.

New Flight Crew Medical Screening requirements

In order to increase overall program safety and standardize medical requirements, all Auxiliary air observers are required to meet the same medical screening requirements as Auxiliary air crewmen. The new Flight Crew Medical Screening document AV-10-1 dated 16 SEP 10 and USCG Auxiliary Flight Crew Medical Screening Form ANSC 7042A (revised 05/2010) updates all flight crew medical requirements. This document may be found by following this link.
[Posted 22 Sept 2010, source: Robert Shafer Dir-R]


There is a new SAR Incident Form

An updated version of the CG-4612 Auxiliary SAR Incident and MISLE Case Data Entry Report form has been posted to the Auxiliary National Website Forms page.  The new form has been improved to better capture data for MISLE entry.  Click HERE for the new form.
[Posted 17 Jun 2010, source: Robert Shafer Dir-R]

The Annual Workshop Review of USCG Enhanced Crew Resource Management (ECRM) is now available at this link.

[Posted 04 May 2010, Source: Wilson Riggan DVC-RA]

NON-Compliant Auxiliary Aviators


NOTE: This document is designed as a job aid for those responsible for Auxiliary aviation units.  It neither creates nor removes any current policy or procedure for AUXAIR, but is intended to provide guidance to those existing policies that may otherwise be found in a number of different documents and Commandant Instructions.

Pilot-In-Command Responsibility and Authority

Recent inquiries suggest that it would be useful to review the implications and responsibilities of being pilot-in-command of an Auxiliary flight.  We in Auxiliary Aviation are in a unique position among aviators.  Not only are we certified by and responsible to the FAA for the conduct of our flying, but we are also certified by and responsible to the Coast Guard.

Click on this link to access an analysis of the responsibilities and authorities of a Pilot-In-Command from both perspectives.  It is important to note that no new policy or decision is reflected in this document.  Rather, it is an analysis and exposition on existing policy, guidance, and regulation.