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District Safety Specialists

To develop an “enhanced Safety Culture Auxiliary-wide” the districts must be involved. To help foster the safety culture in each district, the District Commodores were encouraged to appoint members to serve as District Safety Specialist(s) (DSS). These District Safety Specialists will serve as the DCO’s representative and advisor on safety matters, will work to promote and educate their members on safety issues, and will serve as a central source for reporting safety issues, among other duties. Collectively, all these members form the District Safety Specialist Council.

The DSS Council has met and has begun to collaborate and share information and best practices. The Board is working on developing materials that will be of use to the District Safety Specialists as they work to promote safety within the districts.

The District Safety Specialist Council is envisioned to be a forum for collaboration and the sharing of ideas and best practices among the Districts and National Safety Board. It is recognized that the District Safety Specialists bring a great deal of expertise and experience to the program.

The current roster of District Safety Specialists includes:

  • D1NR - David J. Pierce
  • D1SR - David W. Theide 
  • D7 - Sean Patrick Hart
  • 8ER - Randy Ventress
  • 8CR - Jeff Evans 
  • D9ER - Steven Botsford  
  • D9CR - Susan Thurlow
  • D11N - Bill Pope  
  • D11S - Aaron Todd
  • D13 - Craig Hartman
  • D14 - Darren Kasai