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Life Saving Organizations

International Lifesaving Organizations

Composite Country Statistical Information (PDF)
Antigua and Barbuda Search and Rescue -- ABSAR began as an organization to assist in logistical support for missing vessels in the waters surrounding Antigua & Barbuda. Over the past several years they have taken an active role in providing medical and rescue services for the Antigua Race Week and the Antigua Classics Regatta. They are a group of volunteers using borrowed boats to provide these services to the public at no cost.
Australian Maritime Safety Authority -- The Australian Maritime Safety Authority is a largely self-funded government agency with the charter of enhancing efficiency in the delivery of safety and other services to the Australian maritime industry.
Australian Volunteer Coast Guard -- The Australian Volunteer Coast Guard is a voluntary organisation formed in 1961 to promote safety in the operation of small craft. It guards the coast in the most effective way - initially by education, example, examination and finally by search and rescue.
Bahamas Air Sea Rescue Association -- BASRA is the only search and rescue organization in The Bahamas. They are a volunteer group that is supported solely by donations from private individuals and businesses.
BRK - WASSERWACHT (Water Guard) -- A volunteer water rescue organization which operates mostly on inland lakes and streams.
BULSAR - Bulgarian Search and Rescue -- Enroll, train and employ Volunteers and Professionals for Maintaining, Coordinating and Providing Operations for Search and Rescue at Sea.
Canadian Coast Guard -- "The CCG will ensure the safe and environmentally responsible use of Canada's waters, support understanding and management of oceans resources, facilitate the use of our waters for shipping, recreation and fishing, and provide marine expertise in support of Canada's domestic and international interests."
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary -- The Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary (CCGA) volunteer organization was established in 1978/79 by the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) to enhance search and rescue capabilities in Canada. The Auxiliary assists the Coast Guard in the delivery of search and rescue (SAR) operational and prevention services.

Canadian Lifeboat Institution -- The Canadian Lifeboat Institution has been in operation for over 15 years. During that time members have participated in over 2,500 rescues, working in close cooperation with other search and rescue organizations. The Canadian Lifeboat Institution does not attempt to replace the Canadian Coast Guard or its Auxiliary. Rather, they provide vessels and trained crews to assist local, provincial and national agencies to save those in peril on the waters of Canada following the model of The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (see below).

Canadian National Search and Rescue Secretariat -- The National Search and Rescue Secretariat (NSS) is an independent agency of government, reporting to the Lead Minister for Search and Rescue (the Minister of National Defence). The NSS was established in 1986 to support and promote the activities of the National SAR Program (NSP) as a means to achieve highly effective and economically responsible search and rescue programs throughout Canada.

Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons -- Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons has been connecting enthusiastic boaters for 70 years and has played a major role in boating culture in Canada. A nationwide organization of recreational boating enthusiasts with over 30,000 active members. Our instructors help recreational boaters improve their boating safety knowledge as well as their vessel handling and navigation skills. Students successfully completing the CPS Boating course or the Pleasure Operator Card (PCOC) exam receive a one year complimentary membership with access to member benefits.

Citizens Rescue Orgranization (CITRO) Netherlands Antilles. -- CITRO is a Search And Rescue Organization in Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles at approx. 12N068W, legally anchored in a private foundation. Main activities of CITRO are the search for and rescue of human lives in distress at sea. All activities are performed by volunteers. Per annum approx. 80 lives at stake in a approx. 55 SAR cases are handled by CITRO.

Danish Sea Rescue Society -- Established in 1945. The Naval HG is organized in 2 Naval Home Guard Districts. In turn, the districts are organized in 39 flotillas.

DGzRS German Sea Rescue Service (Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbruecheger) -- in German.

DLRG - Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft (German) -- The German Life Saving Association has over 500,000 members of young and adult volunteers, dedicated to accident prevention and life saving activities on inland lakes, rivers and streams.

El Comando de Guardacostas (Venezuelean Coast Guard) --Planificar, ejecutar y controlar las actividades de seguridad marítima, protección del ambiente, preservación de los recursos naturales y control del tráfico marítimo, así como combatir la piratería y el narcotráfico, a fin de contribuir a garantizar en los espacios acuáticos lo establecido en las leyes vigentes.

Fremantle Volunteer Sea Rescue Group -- Fremantle Volunteer Sea Rescue Group (Inc.) has been providing assistance to the Australian boating public for over 30 years. The dedicated members of the group give their time willingly to assist the boating public in any way, 24 hrs a day, every day of the year.

Helsinki Life-Boat Association (in English) -- Rescuing human lives is the most important task of the HLBA.

Hong Kong Marine Department -- The Marine Department is responsible for all navigational matters in Hong Kong and the safety standards of all classes and types of vessels.

KNRM - Koninkliike Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij (Dutch) -- The Royal Dutch Sea Rescue Organization was founded in 1824. It is one of the oldest volunteer SAR-at-Sea organizations in the world. Their efficient SAR stations and facilities are paid for and maintained through private fund-raising activities.

ICE-SAR (Iceland) -- ICE-SAR was founded 1 July 1999 upon the merger of the National Life-saving Association of Iceland and Landsbjörg, the Association of Icelandic Rescue Teams. The number of volunteer units forming the association is about 230 rescue teams, accident prevention sections and youth sections. The association's goals are to work toward the saving of human life and valuables and toward accident prevention. Its volunteers carry out invaluable work for society.

Italian Lifesaving Association -- SNS (Società Nazionale di Salvamento) is a volunteer maritime rescue service established in 1871.

Irish Coast Guard - "To reduce the loss of life within the Irish Search and Rescue Region and on rivers, lakes and waterways and to protect the quality of the marine environment within the Irish Pollution Responsibility Zone, Harbours and Maritime Local Authority areas and to preserve property. To promote safety standards, and by doing so, prevent, as far as possible, the loss of life at sea and on inland waters and other areas, and to provide an effective emergency response service". The Irish Coast Guard (IRCG) makes up one arm of the Maritime Safety Services, the other being the Maritime Safety Directorate. Both arms are due to merge into a new "one stop shop" Agency for all maritime safety matters.

Korea Coast Guard

Malaysia Maritime Search and Rescue Authority -- The employment of available personnel and facilities in rendering aid to persons in distress arising from an incident which happens at sea, near or on the coast which involves lives, property and environment and originates from vessel or craft.

Maritime and Coast Guard Agency (UK) -- The primary aim of the Agency is to develop, promote and enforce high standards of marine safety; to minimize loss of life among seafarers and coastal users; respond to maritime emergencies 24 hours a day and to minimize the risk of pollution of the marine environment from ships and where pollution occurs, minimize the impact on UK interests.

National Sea Rescue Institute (N.S.R.I) - The National Sea Rescue Institute of South Africa -- A countrywide non-profit organization dedicated to helping people in distress at sea.

Kongelig Norsk Batforbund (Royal Norwegian Boating Federation) -- an organization of 150 boat clubs and 19.000 boatowners all over Norway. KNBF is working on a project organizing boatowners in SAR groups on a voluntary basis, simular to USCGA.

ONSA -- ONSA, The National Organization for Rescue and Maritime Safety of the Aquatic Areas of Venezuela, is a civilian, non-governmental and non-profit association. It has as its objectives (1) the support and cooperation of the respective authorities in carrying the tasks of maritime safety, navigation and ecological balance, (2) to perform search and rescue operations at sea, and (3) to encourage the development of the system and the organization of salvage and maritime safety in National Waters with the end of contributing in the preservation of human lives at sea and the protection of the Marine Environment.

Prefectura Naval Argentina (PNA) -- The PNA dates back to the 19th century and has a long and outstanding tradition. It is the agency through which the Argentine State performs police functions in the fields of safety of navigation as well as safety and public order enforcement at jurisdictional waters and ports. As the Argentine Maritime Authority, PNA enforces international conventions on safety of human life at sea, pollution prevention and control as well as related technical and legal matters.

Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary (National Web Site)

Royal National Lifeboat Institution (UK) -- For over 170 years the volunteer crews of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (headquartered at Dorset, England) have been saving lives at sea. Since the RNLI's Foundation in 1824, over 125,000 lives have been saved.

Royal New Zealand Coastguard Federation -- A voluntary maritime safety network committed to preventing accidents and rescuing people in trouble in coastal areas and on lakes & waterways throughout New Zealand.

SSRS - Swedish Sea Rescue Institution (in English) -- Established in 1907. The Sea Rescue Institution was founded by farsighted ship owners and other individuals with the concern for the well being of people and saving people at sea.

St. Maarten Sea Rescue Foundation (SSRF).


Swiss Sea Rescue Service -- SRD - Seerettungsdients (Sea Rescue Service) is a Swiss volunteer rescue service for their many large lakes.


Société Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer (S.N.S.M.) - The National Company of Rescue at Sea (S.N.S.M.) born from the amalgamation of two previous organizations: 1865 - Central Company of Rescue of the Shipwrecked Men 1873 - Hospital Breton Rescuers. The S.N.S.M. counts 232 stations of rescue: the 2/3 permanent ones and small around fifty only opened l'été. These stations are distributed on all the coasts of France.

Taiwanese Coast Guard Administration (CGA) -- Since its inception in February 1, 2000, the Coast Guard Administration(CGA) has been responsible for the safety and security of Taiwan's coastline and waters.

VISAR - Virgin Island Search & Rescue -- A volunteer organization dedicated to saving lives.

Volunteer Marine Rescue Victoria Point -- Volunteer Marine Rescue Victoria Point (VMR 441) is situated on the coastal foreshores of Moreton Bay in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.