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Boating Safely Around Whales

Tue, 29 Jun 21   Posted by: Dan Stroup

Recently, NOAA has been working to promote recreational boating safety around whales, particularly in New England and the Mid-Atlantic areas. While focused on the species of whales located around the East Coast area, these videos can demonstrate valuable lessons for boating safety around all whales. 

There are two videos available to download. One is short, less than three minutes long and can be easily used in a boating class. The second video is longer, about 12 minutes, and although also useful in the classroom, it could be viewed as part of a larger community presentation and discussion at yacht clubs, fishing clubs, and other community groups. Both videos convey the importance of recreational boaters staying away from large living marine mammals such as whales and dolphins, with the stated goals of maintaining the safety of the boaters, their property, and the animals. These videos can be downloaded using the following links:

Short Video: Link

Longer Video:  Link

May 31, 2023 

As part of our ongoing collaboration with NOAA, they have produced additional content on boating safely around Whales for use in Public Education classes. This new material includes a four-slide PowerPoint slide deck that can be added to our courses and seminars. Also available are handouts that instructors can use in classrooms or share with students if teaching virtually. While this material targets New England and Mid-Atlantic states, it contains useful information for use anywhere you could encounter whales.

NMFS Printed Materials for USCG Auxiliary.pdf

NMFS GARFO Protected Species Slides.pptx