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Welcome to the Flotilla 8-4, District 13 Web Site

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IN-PERSON Meetings Starting Up

Click 'Meeting Schedule' to the left to see about our upcoming meetings.  We are now meeting IN-PERSON (and sometimes via Zoom).

 USCG Aux Logo 


We want to welcome you to Flotilla 84 of District 13, Division 8 (130-08-04).  This flotilla is active in the Coeur d'Alene, ID area including the lake and nearby waterways.  Members meet monthly (click on the 'Meeting Schedule' at the left for locations, dates and times).

We cordially invite you to any of our meetings in order to find out more about the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and especially our flotilla.  There are many positions and ways you can volunteer in the USCG Aux and you do NOT have to be a boat owner to participate.  

We look forward to having you join us here in Coeur d'Alene.  If you are a visitor to our area, you are most welcome to join us at any time.  

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