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Resources for Crew Academy

Manuals You'll Need

The Crew Qualification Guide should be printed out as you will need to bring this Guide to every session of the Academy so your completed work can be signed off.  You should write your name at the top of each task page as soon as your print out the manual (or receive a hard copy).  You must bring the completely signed off Guide to the Shore Side QE session. Each task has one or more reference items designated by a letter code - those references are:

[A] The Auxiliary Manual - the basic reference for everything we do in the Auxiliary. WARNING - This is a very big file for downloading, you may wish to obtain a copy via a thumb drive or CD from your FSO-MA or FC.

[B] The Boat Crew Seamanship Manual is the basic textbook for all Crew (and Coxswain) training - it is the same manual that used by the active duty.  This is a very large download, if your system has trouble with it contact your FSO-OP or FSO-MT to obtain an electronic copy.  Your Flotilla may be able to loan you a hard copy of this manual or you may only need to print out selected pages for your study if you have trouble reading from a computer screen.

[C] The Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual set the basic plan for Boat Crew Training and explains in detail all of the components of the training process.

[D] The Operations Policy Manual covers details of operations such as minimum crew size, duties of various positions in the operations team, hours of service, etc. It also sets minimum standards for equipment, training, and qualification maintenance. 

[E] Operational Risk Management covers use of the General Assessment of Risk (GAR) form and the Severity, Probability, and Exposure (SPE) method of Operational Risk Analysis.

[F] Team Coordination Training has its own procedure manual.  Although you must be current with TCT (having taken a course within the last 5 calendar years, you may want to refer to this manual for additional information and background. 

[G] Navigation Rules International - Inland is the basic reference for all navigational issues beyond the first rule -- "TONNAGE WINS".  As your operational career grows you may want to purchase a hard copy of this fairly small manual.

[H} The Rescue and Survival Systems Manual covers things like the use of the equipment on the SAR vest, proper maintenance of survival equipment, etc.  The care and feeding of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) issued to operational personnel is their personal responsibility - this is the manual for doing so.

[I] The Radiotelephone Handbook is no longer in use.  Its replacement is not available through open sources. Contact the SO-MT for a copy of this manual.

[J] Chart No. 1, Nautical Chart Symbols is available from NOAA Through this link.


Task BCM-O8-01-AUX - Basic Knowledge of Boating Skills

This task is often misunderstood - just because your member status shows you as being BQ'd it doesn't complete the requirements.  You must have taken one of the Boating Classes listed on the task page (ABS is the same as ABC, its old name) and if you will note, the task page may only be signed by a QE.  Bring your proof of course completion certificate or card (NOT THE WASHINGTON BOATER EDUCATION CARD) to any Qualification Examiner who can sign this task.  Haven't taken one of the required classes - you can check the Public Education page of this web site for a class near you - have your FSO-OP, MT, or FC contract the Flotilla sponsoring the class - you should be able to take it at no charge but your home Flotilla should provide the book for you.


ICS 100 and 700 Courses

ICS 100 is available at FEMA through this link.  Make sure you print out our course completion certificate, your Flotilla Commander will need to send it to DIRAUX for entry in AUXDATA - Be sure to keep a copy for your records - just in case. 

ICS 700 is available at FEMA through this link.  Make sure you print out our course completion certificate, your Flotilla Commander will need to send it to DIRAUX for entry in AUXDATA - Be sure to keep a copy for your records - just in case. 


Team Coordination Course - (4 Hour TCT)

TCT 4 hour initial (and 5th year re-certification) class is offered from time to time in Division 2.  check on the What's Happening page to see if a course is scheduled (or check the calendar).  If you Division 2 doesn't have a class that fits your schedule you may want to search the calendars of our surrounding Divisions (1, 3,and 4) to see if they are offering a class.  (Go to the home page of this web site and change the LAST digit of URL to 1, 3 or 4 to go to their web site quickly).


Uniforms - ODU

The uniform of the day for all operations is the Operational Dress Uniform (ODU).  The uniform page of this web site has additional information including links to a discussion about uniforms and women's issues re-uniforms (on the Flotilla 21 site linked from Division 2) as well as pictures as to what a complete ODU looks like.  Discuss uniform issues with your Flotilla FSO-HR.