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Awards Program in District 13

Many people say they don't need to be recognized. But some form of recognition for a job well done is not only appreciated but can give members an incentive to do more!

Member recognition can be a powerful motivator, both for the person receiving an award and for other members who see concrete proof that hard work pays off. It also promotes loyalty and personal satisfaction.

For information, tips, resources and examples about awards, see:

D13 Awards Guidance

See D13 Awards Guidance on the District 13 website.
The D-13 Aux Instruction INDIVIDUAL RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS PROGRAM GUIDE contains what you need to know about member awards. 

District 13 Awards Tracking

Review the status awards of submitted in District 13 by their awards tracking number.

Award Ribbons

(National) Discover some of the many awards members can receive.

Award Information & Resources

(National) Award procedures: how to research, write, request and present awards along with templates and examples.

Award Ribbons & Medals
 (USCG) CGAUX award ribbons and their corresponding medals. You can also find links to officer insignia on this site.