Want To Join? - Here Is A Guide
Due to COVID-19 restrictions and our desire to keep all Auxiliarists and prospects safe, our application processes are currently modified and do not allow in-person contact. Your HR Officer contact will work with you to arrange other ways to complete the application and get you set up to complete training virtually!
Want to join? The first steps are:
Contact us - if you are in Seattle, complete this contact form and send it. If you are outside of the Seattle area visit our national page to submit your information. You'll be contacted and an interview set up with a senior member who will discuss the Auxiliary with you, answer any questions, and get you going on the application process.
Your recruiter will ask you to compete the application which is a fillable Adobe form. DO NOT SIGN IT or EMAIL your personal information to anyone. You'll do so in the presence of the Citizenship Verifier who will also take your photo for your ID card. There is a second short application for the Auxiliary National Association which is on the same page (towards the bottom) as the primary application.
Download the New Applicant Reference Guide and use it to take the New Member Exam. Both are on the National Web Site at this location. Print out the exam and take it using the Reference Guide - its open book and is more of a lesson in the Auxiliary than an actual "exam". Give your completed exam to your recruiter - s/he will grade it and discuss the lessons learned with you.
Boating Safety Course completion - the Auxiliary wants all of its members to have a very basic knowledge of boating -- after all we are a maritime safety organization. If you have taken a boating class or have a WA State Boaters Ed card photo copy the course completion certificate or the card and add the photocopy to your application packet. Don't worry, if you haven't taken a class we get you into one of our 8 hour About Boating Safely courses.
Got your member number? You should have received a letter from DIRAUX or an Email from one of the staff officers when your member number is officially assigned. Go to the next page (or click here) for a check list of what you should do in the next year - check off the items you have already done and get started on those you haven't. Welcome aboard!