Sign In/Up with USCGAUX
Sign Up/In with USCGAUX
Help Video - Job Aide

New Member

Welcome New Member!

Congratulations on your decision to join the USCG Auxiliary and embody the volunteer spirit of the United States. For many new members, being a member of the Auxiliary satisfies that innate desire to be part of “something bigger than yourself”. For that, Team Coast Guard is grateful you decided that WE were an organization worthy of your desire to help promote the Recreational Boating Safety message in your local community.

The first few months in the Auxiliary can seem daunting with the unfamiliar whirlwind of nautical language, positions, insignia, and acronyms. REMEMBER….all members of the Auxiliary, from the National Commodore to your own flotilla mates started out just like you!!!

At this point you have cleared your background check, received your 7-digit Member ID#, and have been assigned a Member Status of AP(Approval Pending). Before we start your training please review the below documents, was these will provide you with a solid foundation of Auxiliary terms and processes.


Another important document is the USCG Auxiliary Manual or AUXMAN.  This manual is your primary reference for everything Auxiliary covering its history, competencies & missions, training, uniforms, processes and procedures, awards, and so much more.

Please review this document at your leisure and have it at the ready for quick reference. 

Now that you're familiar with some of the basics, the next step is to acquaint you with your flotilla, complete your Core Training, and outline some goals.  Now there's a lot, and it can seem overwhelming at times, but if you're patient, use your mentor, and follow the outlined steps, you'll get through it fairly easily and come out ready to go!

Let's Get Started!