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  Boater Safety News & Info  

 The following bulletins and notices are updates to boater safety:


  • June 21 2021 Automated VHF Radio Testing Service Discontinued - USCG MSIB 20-20



About Vessel Safety Checks

A Vessel Safety Check (VSC) is a FREE Exam of your vessel to verify the presence and condition of safety equipment that you are required to have on board your vessel by State and Federal regulations.

Our Vessel Examiner (VE) is a U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary member and certified specialist. In addition to FREE exams, VEs also make safety recommendations and discuss issues to assist you in safer boating.

Vessels passing safety checks are awarded a U.S. Coast Guard / Auxiliary Decal that informs:

  • Coast Guard / Auxiliary
  • Harbor Patrol
  • Sheriff's & Police
  • And other boating law-enforcement & safety agencies

that your boat was in full compliance with all Federal and State boating laws during a safety check for that year. Best of all every Vessel Safety Check is 100% Free of charge!

You can now conveniently request a safety exam for your powerboat, sailboat, or paddle craft such as paddle board, kayak, or personal watercraft (i.e. Jet Ski), anywhere in the US by clicking HERE and providing your information.  

Alternatively for vessels in Dana Point and
our surrounding areaSan Clemente, San Juan Capastrano, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills, Laguna Woods, Mission Veijo
you can request a VSC directly from our flotilla by clicking HERE.  
For vessel exams outside of our area please submit your request HERE.

Once you've passed your Vessel Safety Exam, contact your insurance agent to learn if you qualify for any discounts.


How to Prepare for your FREE Vessel Safety Check

To prepare for your Vessel Safety Check, you can conduct a Do-It-Yourself preliminary check by visiting the Virtual Vessel Safety Exam Page.  PLEASE NOTE: The previous version of the Interactive Virtual Examiner Tool is no longer available due to the incompatibility with Flash.

You can also download the current VSC form, highlight to show exactly what you'll be required to have onboard.  Click to download 2023 VSC Sample Form

For in-depth details of the VSC requirements you can download/review our VSC Manual

Also once you've requested your free VSC, your assigned Vessel Examiner will provide you with all the necessary information you need to pass the exam.  We want to see you pass!  


What if you don't pass?

If your boat does not pass inspection -- no report is filed. Instead, you are provided with a confidential written report signed by the Vessel Examiner that helps you correct any deficiencies.  Once the deficiencies are corrected, we'll be happy to re-exmine your vessel and get you underway.