The primary mission of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is Recreational Boating Safety. Flotilla 6-8 is the lead unit responsible for providing support in Southern California's Dana Point Harbor and surrounding waterways.
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity is about our commitment to embrace men and women of all racial, cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds as full, equal, and vital members of our organization. Please refer to the following links for more on the CG Auxiliary Diversity and Inclusion policies and practices:
Our unit conducts various missions that include:
- Homeland Security
- Search and Rescue
- Emergency Communications
- Boating Safety Courses
- FREE Vessel Safety Checks
- Commercial Fishing and Vessel Exams
The mission of the Auxiliary Operations Division is: to provide oversight assistance, and support for air and surface operations of the Coast Guard Auxiliary; to further the goals of Recreational Boating Safety, and to assist the United States Coast Guard when it calls upon the Auxiliary.
Below is a brief but comprehensive listing of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary's many missions.
Safety Patrol - Patrol under Coast Guard orders using an Auxiliary Operational Facility.
Regatta Patrol - Patrolling organized regattas and boat parades.
Chart Update Patrol - Verifying the accuracy and completeness of the information published in charts and related navigation publications.
PWC Patrol - Patrolling on a Personal Water Craft (PWC).
Radio Watchstander - Serving as a qualified watchstander at a Coast Guard or Auxiliary facility.
Officer of the Day Duties - OOD at a Coast Guard facility either ashore or afloat.
Auxiliary Radio Net Mission - Maintaining Coast Guard authorized Auxiliary radio nets.
Aids to Navigation Mission-Federal - Servicing federal or private Aids to Navigation.
Public Education Missions
PE Other Than State/Youth - Auxiliary multi-lesson public education classes.
State and Youth Courses - State public education classes and youth courses.
MT Instructor Mission - Member training activity, including specialty courses, boat crew training, and basic qualification classes.
Environmental Missions
Enforcement of Laws and Treaties - Provide support to a Coast Guard law enforcement mission.
Marine Environmental Protection - Provide support to the Coast Guard in the area of Marine Environmental Protection.
Coast Guard Support and Boating Safety Missions
CG Operational Support - A service provided to operational Coast Guard units in support of Coast Guard programs.
CG Administrative Support - Provide support to the Coast Guard in areas other than operations or recruiting.
AIM Mission - The Auxiliary's Academy Introduction Mission (AIM).
RAP Mission - Coast Guard Recruiting Assistance Program (RAP).
Courtesy Marine Examinations - Vessel Safety Checks; Personal Water Craft Safety Checks; Uninspected Passenger Vessel; and Commercial Fishing Vessel.
Public Affairs Mission - Promoting the Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary and Coast Guard Reserve.
Marine Dealer Visits - Participating in the Marine Dealer Visitation Program.