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Boat Crew Resources

The United States Coast Guard is a multi-mission maritime service and one of the Nation's armed forces.  Its mission is to protect the public, the environment, and U.S. economic interests in the Nation's ports and waterways, along the coast, on international waters, or in any maritime region as required to support national security.

The Auxiliary's mission is to support the Coast Guard in the performance of its missions.  One of the ways it does so is through the USCG AUX Boat Crew Program. 

The USCG AUX Boat Crew is a popular, exciting, and gratifying Auxiliary operations program which requires an ongoing time commitment once certified.  It refers to the overall process of training and using members qualified as coxswains, crew members, and personal water craft (PWC) operators to conduct Auxiliary patrols.  Crew members participate in safety, search and rescue, Navigation Systems (ATON), and marine safety patrols.  Members may volunteer during emergencies, have extended days on the water during inclement weather or be tasked to do multi-day patrols.  The course is taught throughout the year and is available to any BQ member.

The following videos are examples of what Boat Crew entails:

AUX Training with Station LA 

AUX Search and Rescue for Disabled Boat 

AUX Security Boat Patrol 

If this excites you and you would like to join our amazing boat crew team,

please see Michael Bozarth for more information