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Safe Boating

Recreational Boating Safety & seamanship classes-- Since ensuring safe recreational boating is the number-one goal of the Auxiliary, 6-4 members offer courses to the public in navigation, seamanship, and safe boating skills on a regular basis. Completing a Recreational Boating Safety class gives boat owners a better rate on their insurance and makes one eligible to receive the new California Boater Card.

For Members who have an interest in teaching classes to the public as well as their fellow Auxiliarists, they may train to become a qualified Instructor.

CONTACT: For more information on upcoming boating safety and seamanship classes, or becoming an Auxiliary Instructor, please contact Cecil Claspell or Bobbi Kamil


Safe Boating event PFD - wear it!

A very young boater seeing “eye-to-eye” with Coastie on Boating Safety & flyer from Station Monterey Safe Boating Open House May 19, 2018
(Photo by Auxiliarist Mike Goldberg)