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Our Home Port: U.S.C.G. Station Monterey

Station Monterey - Public Information

The volunteers of Flotilla Monterey of the Coast Guard Auxiliary have a close working relationship with the US Coast Guard active-duty and USCG Reserve personnel at Coast Guard Station Monterey.

Photograph of the U.S. Coast Guard 47-foot Motor LIfe Boat, doing excersice in Monterey bay.

Station Monterey possesses two 47-foot Motor Life Boats (MLBs). In addition to the “47s,” Station Monterey also has a 29-foot Response Boat, Small (RBS). The Dolphin Class helicopter (aka “helo”) is based at both Air Station San Francisco and Air Station Sacramento, and often come to the Monterey Bay area for air-operations training (“helo ops”) with Station Monterey boat crews.

47-fooot Motor Life Boat is cutting the waves in Monterey bay

The 47-foot Motor Life Boat (MLB) is the standard lifeboat of the U.S. Coast Guard. It is designed to weather hurricane force winds and heavy seas, and is capable of surviving winds up to 60 knots, and breaking surf up to 20 feet. The 47-foot MLB is also designed to withstand impacts of up to three G's. If the boat should capsize, it self-rights in less than ten seconds with all equipment fully functional. (Information from

USCG cutter Hawksbill underway

“USCG Cutter HAWKSBILL patrols the California coast from her home port near Station Monterey.”

The USCG Cutter HAWKSBILL is an 87-foot Patrol Boat designed for Search and Rescue (SAR), Law Enforcement (LE), and fisheries patrols, as well as drug interdiction and illegal alien interdiction duties up to 200 miles off shore. The Patrol Boat allows for underway launch and recovery of the cutter’s 7-meter Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB).

Additional information about Station Monterey, and Flotilla Monterey, is available. See links on this webpage for more.

The Coast Guard considers the Auxiliary its primary resource for recreational boating safety outreach and prevention (see the message "From the Commandant"), and each Coast Guard district around the nation has established a senior officer and staff to provide tight liaison and coordination between the active-duty Coast Guard and the various Auxiliary units in that district.

The Coast Guard In California

USCG in Hawksbill patroling California

Homeported in Monterey at the Breakwater (USCG) Pier, the USCG Cutter HAWKSBILL patrols up and down the California coast, including off Alcatraz as part of Fleetweek in San Francisco Bay.

USCG cutter Hawksbill  

USCG Cutter Hawksbill postcard

Sector San Francisco

USCG Station Monterey

Graphic of a USCG insignia provided by Flotilla 11-04, of South Reading, Pennsylvania and their hyperlink.
Official Coast Guard Compass

Colorful Coast Guard Chanel banner for the hyperlink to their website. The Coast Guard Channel is the premier web-based news and entertainment network dedicated to delivering high-quality video programming about the U. S. Coast Guard. If you’re looking for Coast Guard video, you’ll find it here... and much more.

A summary of facts and figures about Station Monterey

Guardians of the Central Coast