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Flotilla 52 Members

Commodore Vic Connell

Why did you decide to join the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

I joined the Auxiliary 22 years ago because of the opportunity to volunteer service to my country, to my local maritime community and to learn more about boating. I also liked the fact that I would be volunteering alongside dedicated people from diverse backgrounds and many different skill sets, working with our Active Duty shipmates.

What is your favorite memory during your time in the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

One of many favorite memories is sailing aboard the tall ship CG Cutter EAGLE as she sailed into SF Bay under the Golden Gate Bridge during Fleet Week.

How has the Coast Guard Auxiliary affected your life?

The Auxiliary has provided me with service and leadership opportunities that have involved travel all over this country as well as serving locally in D11 North - the best district in the CG Auxiliary!  While on this journey, I have met and volunteered alongside some amazing Coasties and fellow Auxiliarists who have significantly enriched my life.

 Auxiliary Unit Coordinator Glenn Hunter

Why did you decide to join the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

I joined in 2001, at the time of 9/11, as a patriot to serve our country, in honor of my father and uncles, who served in the US Army.

What is your favorite memory during your time in the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

On a surface operations patrol, with my shipmates in the Delta, when we participated in a Search and Rescue (SAR), resulting in safely rescuing a dehydrated woman in physical distress.

What would you recommend to someone interested in joining the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

Contact our Flotilla Staff Officer – Human Resources, Thomas Sarnicola, [email protected] C:(510) 685-5146. Tom will be pleased to learn more about you, answer your questions, describe the various ways you can serve with us and invite you to an upcoming Napa Flotilla 52 Meeting.

What is the best part of being a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

Serving our country as part of an organization that supports the United States Coast Guard and Recreational Boating Public Safety. While serving, having the opportunity to work alongside talented and dedicated shipmates, seeing members increase their skills and having fun! Please join us, we’d love to meet you!


 VFC Dinia Paananen

Why did you decide to join the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

I joined the U.S Coast Guard Auxiliary because I always had a desire to serve my country. When I was a teenager, I met with a Navy recruiter and planned on joining, but unfortunately, I listened to others who talked me out of joining. I had always wanted to serve my country in some capacity but was unsure how. Being introduced to the USCG Auxiliary was perfect. I could serve my community and my country at the same time.

What is your favorite memory during your time in the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

I have only been a member of the USCG Auxiliary for 1 year, but my favorite memory was going out on my first patrol and learning about my role as a future boat crew member.

What would you say to the people who do not want to join the Coast Guard Auxiliary because you don’t get paid?

Some people may think volunteering my time with the USCG is not beneficial to me because I don’t get paid. I would tell them that the work I am involved in helping and educating the public on boating and watercraft safety AND possibly saving a life is worth a lot more than money. The honor to serve my country and wear the Coast Guard Auxiliary uniform is my payment.

FSO-DV Dinia Paananen

FC Eric Paananen

Why did you decide to join the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

There are several reasons why I decided to join the Coast Guard Auxiliary. I had retired and was looking for a way to serve my community and country. I had been a Marine earlier in life but I was too old to reenlist in the reserves. I really enjoy boating and being on the water, so the Coast Guard Auxiliary seemed liked the best of both worlds.

What is your favorite memory during your time in the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

Even though I have only been a member for two years I have quite a few good memories. I enjoyed being a crew member during Fleet Week, as well as being on training patrols on the Napa River.

What would you say to the people who do not want to join the Coast Guard Auxiliary because you don’t get paid?

As volunteers, we receive a different type of compensation for our service. The reward is meeting challenges, helping others and fellowship. If you are at all interested, come check us out. We welcome all and would love to meet you.

FSO-HR / FINANCE Tom Sarnicola

Why did you decide to join the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

I joined the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary in 2004 and was honored to serve as Division 5 Commander in 2014 supervising members throughout Contra Costa, Napa, Sonoma, and Solano Counties.

How has the Coast Guard Auxiliary affected your life?

Joining the US Coast Guard Auxiliary has given me the opportunity to serve my country, learn a variety of boating skills and support the active duty.

What is the best part of being a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

The best thing about being a member is patrolling the local waterways, educating the public about boating safety and working with a group of dedicated Auxiliary members.

Auxiliarist - Kelly Kam

Why did you decide to join the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

I joined the Coast Guard Auxiliary because a Boating Safety class was being offered a few blocks from my house, so I signed up. Being an avid kayaker, I was interested in learning more about the on-water rules. The Coast Guard Auxiliary was teaching the class. They did an excellent job on recruiting me to attend a meeting and learn more about the Auxiliary. At the meeting, I was met with nothing but positivity and the most genuine, wonderful, welcoming members. Being able to help and educate people is at the core of the Auxiliary and something I was ecstatic about being a part of.

What would you say to the people who don’t want to join the Coast Guard Auxiliary because you don’t get paid?

I would say, you do get paid. You aren't paid in the form of monetary compensation but in the form of fellowship and the rewards of helping others. You have the opportunity to positively impact others lives, potentially save a life and there is something to be said for that, which is greater than any paycheck.

What would you recommend to someone interested in joining the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

Join. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. We are a good group of people focused on helping others so you really can't go wrong. There are so many avenues for you to pursue within the Auxiliary, there is something for everyone. If you're interested in getting on the water, there's options. If you want to educate or participate in events, there's options. We can always find a way to put your talents and experience to use in some capacity! Join us!

Kelly Kam

FSO-MT - Deb Rocchild

Why did you decide to join the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

I wanted to learn more about boating, and when I learned of the mission and purpose of the USCGAUX, I was thrilled to know that I could also serve my country and my community.

What is your favorite memory during your time in the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

My favorite memory is of the experiences in our flotilla's Boat Crew Academy, which resulted in my successfully passing the QE exam.

What is the best part of being a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

My shipmates are a phenomenal group. The fellowship is positive and edifying, and it is fun to work and learn together. We encourage one another to be our best.

Deb Rocchild