Coast Guard Auxiliary Youth Programs
The Coast Guard Auxiliary has adopted the Boy Scouts of America’s Sea Scout program as its official youth program. The Sea Scouts are a program for young men and women ages 14 (or 13 years of age and completed eighth grade) through 20. Sea Scouts provide a program for religious, fraternal, educational, and other community organizations to use for effective character, citizenship, and mental and personal fitness training for youth. As part of this training, Sea Scouts are expected to develop personal religious values, learn the principles of American heritage and government, and acquire skills that will prepare them to become successful adults.
All Sea Scouts and Sea Scout leaders are automatically Associate Members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary Association. Any Sea Scout who is at least 14 years old or Sea Scout leader may also choose to become full members of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary by following the normal application process.
The national Auxiliary-Sea Scout Youth Development (AUXSCOUT) Program Standard Operating Procedures outlines how Auxiliarists are to work with Sea Scout youth and adult members, whether or not they are also Coast Guard Auxiliarists. National program oversight is provided by the Auxiliary's Youth Programs Division. Auxiliary Districts will have District Staff Officers - Auxscout (DSO-AS) and/or Assistant District Staff Officers (ADSO-AS), divisions will have Staff Officers - Auxscout (SO-AS), and individual Flotillas will have Staff Officers (FSO-AS) too.
More information can be referenced below:
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Thu, 02 Mar 23 Posted by: Kit Galvin
Flotilla 53 is excited to be working with the newly formed Sea Scout Ship 317 Delta Mariner. The Solano Yacht Club chartered the new ship. The Suisun City HarborMaster offered them a safe haven. Delta Mariner was donated to the Coastal Mariners Foundation, Inc. (CMFI) for the benefit of Ship 317. The International Order of Odd Fellows, Suisun Lodge #78, offered them a home for their meetings. Can you tell our community is excited they are here?
Delta Mariner’s Skipper, James Jensen, is the District Commissioner in Chief Solano District, BSA. This is a newly formed ship. These youth are hardworking Sea Scouts, wanting to make a positive difference in our world.
Auxiliarists Kit Galvin of FL 53, the IPFC and Tom Hurley of FL 51 the VFC were able to be aboard ship while the team was working to strip their ship down for a haul-out. It was berthed in Martinez Marina during the visit. The Delta Mariner will be hauled-out in Vallejo before making its journey to Suisun City’s safe harbor.