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Flotilla Staff Officer Positions and Descriptions

Note: All appointed Flotilla Staff Officers are expected to state their goals upon accepting their position, report progress and activities on a regular basis to the Flotilla Vice Commander, and work closely with their equivalent Division Staff Officer. Most positions require a PQS sign-off and certification before accepting the position.


Communications (FSO-CM): Encourages the use of VHF-FM radio and promotes participation in communications drills, including training exercises in search and rescue communications for vessels and aircraft. Works with units toward providing qualified Auxiliarists for standing communications watches.


Communications Services (FSO-CS): Serves as Webmaster and maintains the Flotilla's web site for inclusion in the Auxiliary National Web Site. Provides the electronic interface for the Flotilla, including downloading important information from the Auxiliary web sites. Accepts email for members without email addresses.


Finance (FSO-FN): Supervises all financial matters; maintains complete and understandable records of all financial transactions; maintains an annual budget; ensures that an annual unit audit is performed.


Information Systems (FSO-IS): Maintains a system to record all members in each mission category (i.e., Operations, Public Education, Member Training, AIM Project, etc.) and supervises reporting to higher Auxiliary levels and the individual member.


Materials (FSO-MA): Maintains an inventory of current Auxiliary forms and literature; assists the Flotilla and members in ordering educational materials and uniform items as requested and keeping operations equipment and uniforms inspected and serviceable.


Marine Safety and Environmental Protection (FSO-MS): Ensures the Flotilla educates the public on the benefits of clean waterways and helps to provide a pollution-free waterways environment.


Member Training (FSO-MT): Encourages a continuous program of training activities to provide members a higher level of knowledge in subjects relating to Auxiliary programs and qualifications.


Navigation Services (FSO-NS): The FSO-NS Officer oversees the flotilla’s Chart Updating (CU) and Aids to Navigation (ATON) efforts. The job includes checking Private Aids to Navigation (PATONs). (Many flotillas also appoint the FSO-NS as the Aids Verifier Examiner (AVE). The AVE qualifies potential Aids Verifiers.) Reports are sent to the Coast Guard.


Operations (FSO-OP): Coordinates activities such as safety patrols, regatta patrols, chart updating patrols, support missions, etc., performed under current Coast Guard policy orders.


Public Affairs (FSO-PA): Develops and directs media activities, both internally and externally, and obtains publicity for the Flotilla’s activities.


Publications (FSO-PB): Edits and publishes the Flotilla Newsletter, the Channel Marker, and assists in the preparation of other articles for other publications.


Public Education (FSO-PE): Is responsible for scheduling, organization, and conduct of all public education programs and activities.


Human Resources (FSO-HR): Promotes the growth of the Flotilla by assisting it to obtain new members; develops programs and activities to retain current members.


Program Visitor (FSO-PV): Makes courtesy calls on area marine retailers and marine organizations that deal with boaters to provide available safe boating and marine safety materials and information.


Secretary/Records (FSO-SR): Records and publishes minutes of meetings; maintains mailing lists, rosters, and current copy of standing rules.


Vessel Examinations (FSO-VE): Oversees and coordinates the Flotilla’s Boating Safety Equipment and Vessel Safety Check program to help educate and award decals to the boating public about required safety equipment. Schedules specific vessel examination stations and activities.