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District 113 NS Resources

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 Bulletin Reports  | Publications & Study Guides  |  Forms
Latest Chart Lists  |  Additional Resources

                               NS Official Reports & Bulletins

Below is a list of all official monthly reports posted as bulletins by the DSO-NS.  These reports contain valuable information regarding the District Navigation Systems Division.  Also included are non-standard reports members of the NS team have published and the DSO-NS felt necessary to release them to the public.  [Click PDF to view report]
                                                      NOTE: Report links in progress

2016  2017  2018 2019 2020
NS Report January 2017
PDF document





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Publications & Study Guides

The following publications are geared to help you with your Aids to Navigation Bridge & Chart Update tasks as well as better prepare you for what you might deal with underway. These are necessary guides to help you in your NS endeavors including becoming an Auxiliary Aids to Navigation (ATON) Verifier (AV-PQS) within our district.  If you came to this page looking for the NS Forms then please go to the FORMS section below.

 National Aux Publications - List Last Updated: February 2019

   USCGAUX National ATON Training Guide
 PDF Document Download Guide Here (56 pages)
For the Auxiliary members wanting to participate in the ATON & PATON program they must have a general knowledge of the responsibilities of the Auxiliary in the conduct of the program. This study guide presents all the needed information in general about the ATON & PATON programs.

  Bridge Lighting and Other Signals
 PDF Document Download Guide Here (12 pages; 1.28 MB)
This document will inform you of all the required layout and color of lights for each bridge type as well as required bridge clearance gauge sizes and spacing. A must read for any aid verifier that has been assigned to conduct a bridge survey and use the D11 Bridge Survey form.

    USCGAUX Nautical Chart Updating Training Guide

2016 Ver 2.4
 PDF Document Download Guide Here (80 pages; 4507KB)

This Auxiliary Nautical Chart Updating Training Guide goes over in great depth all the procedures, methods and reporting know how's in executing a successful chart updating evolution. This guide also goes over how to properly update the Charts & Coast Pilot for your local area. The US Coast Pilot covers a variety of information which always needs updating and this guide will help you prepare the right documentation to send to NOAA. NOAA relies heavily on the USCGAux to report discrepancies and additions to nautical charts and coast pilot and this guide shows you how.

 District 113 Aux Publications
 List last updated March 2019 

D113 Bridge Survey Guide
 PDF Document Download Guide Here (23 pages; 4.6 MB)

This guide was specifically written to address the needs of District 11 Northern Region Bridge Survey Program. This document will inform you of everything you need to do your job successfully and efficiently. This is one of the documents you will need to study to pass the AV-PQS certification program in Eleventh Coast Guard District.
D113 Short Range Aids to Navigation Guide
 PDF Document Download Guide Here (55 pages; 2.0 MB)

This guide was specifically written to address the needs of District 11 Northern Region Short Range Aids to Navigation Program. This document will inform you of everything you need to do your job successfully and efficiently.  This is the document you will need to study to pass the AV-PQS certification program in Eleventh Coast Guard District.

D113 Quick AV "Handy-Dandy" PATON/Bridge Guide
 PDF Document Download Guide Here (4 pages; 138 KB)

This guide was specifically written to address the pre-planning needs of Aid Verifier before heading out on a Patrol or Mission. It has some things you should think about and check before you set out on your patrol or mission. This document will inform you of everything you need to do your job successfully and efficiently.
D113 (CU) - USCGAUX Nautical Chart Updating Training Guide”
2016 Ver 2.4
 PDF Document Download Guide Here (80 pages; 4.6 MB)

The “USCGAUX Nautical Chart Updating Training Guide” is D113’s primary (CU) program guide for how to take observations, reporting and submitting NOAA Nautical Charts and Coast Pilot 7 update reports to the NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey.   

As of April 2015, NOS discontinued putting Small Craft Facility information on charts and as of April 19, 2016 the USCG Auxiliary Chart Updating Reporting Webpage (CUWeb) was terminated because of increasing levels of federal IT security.   The 2018 termination of the NOAA's Nautical Discrepancy Report System does not spell the end to the Auxiliary Chart Updating (CU) program 2019, we now have ASSIST.

D113 Auxiliary Chart Updating (CU) programs still plays a vital role in promoting safety on the water. We will still teach CU techniques and stress quality to a sure Accuracy – Credibility - Professionalism. The same CU information from your field observations can still be sent to NOAA.  

All Charts & Coast Pilot corrections and discrepancies shall now be submitted to NOAA through the NOAA s Office of Coast Survey >>CUSTOMER SERVICE >>ASSIST at:   Your reports are still important to Office of Coast Survey and CU training is still a vital link in promoting safety.

The “How may we ASSIST you today?” Reporting System has two tabs [Questions] & [Report an Error]. To report a Chart or Coast Pilot update, first select the [Report an Error] tab on the entry form. In addition to the information that is required to submit your observation, it is also necessary to provide the position of the item your reporting. It will accept supporting documentation scanned into a digital clicking the (Paper Clip Symbol). For example, scanned chartlets, blueprints, and photographs can serve as support documentation. Once an observer submits a report, NOAA makes every effort to respond in 2 days.

The USCGAUX Nautical Chart Updating Training Guide is D113 primary (CU) Guide for how to take observations, reporting and submitting chart update and coast pilot reports to Office of Coast Survey.  No provision for USCG Auxiliary review of member submission exists with the ASSIST Report System, but the D113 Navigation Systems Division will be happy assist & review your (CU) information before you submit it to NOAA. Office of Coast Survey.

Other AN Publication

The below publications are direct links to external sites and although we check them regularly to insure they still work, we can not guarantee it.

  American Practical Navigator (Vol. 1 & Vol 2)
Go Here For Publication Vol. 1 (794 pages; 26 MB) Vol. 2 (447 pages; 6 MB)

Although not required for Aid Verifier’s, it’s the ultimate guide to understanding the
fascinating world of marine navigation.  By comprehending Mr. Bowditch's knowledge, you will be far beyond the average Aid Verifier and boater and on your way to a great asset to the District 113 NS Programs!  There is tremendous additional navigation information and tools on this website.

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NOAA Nautical Chart Catalog and Chart Viewer

   NOAA graphic

NOAA'S U.S. coastal nautical charts are viewable here on-line. Each chart is up-to-date with the most recent Notices to Mariners corrections. Use these on-line charts as a ready reference or planning tool. Use NOAA's printed or digital charts to navigate with on your voyage.

Latest applied Local Notice to Mariners
Use NOAA website to view latest up-to-date charts. 

Additional Excellent NS Resources

 United States Coast Guard Navigation Center Resources

Links below are to the Eleventh District (North & South) version of the publication.
All Semper Paratus Aid Verifiers (AV) should have copies of these when underway for their Area of responsibility (AOR).

 D11 Logo
Local Notice to Mariners (LNM), Eleventh District

The Eleventh District LNM is the primary means for disseminating information concerning aids to navigation, hazards to navigation, and other items of marine information of interest to Auxiliarist's within the Eleventh District.

Light List & Corrections, Volume VI (6) Pacific Coast

The LL Volume VI is the complete listing of all lights, buoys, day beacons, range's, fog signals, radio beacons, and radar beacons (RACONS) for the Eleventh District.  Detailed information is given on each aid including position, shape, color and characteristics.  A must have for all AV's.

Coast Pilot

Coast Pilot 7 - California, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii (some Mexico, Canada and South Pacific)

Just as for aids to navigation, charts are limited in what can be shown by symbols and abbreviations regarding channels, hazards, winds and currents, restricted areas, port facilities, pilotage service, and many other types of information needed by a navigator for safe and efficient navigation and voyage planning.



Below is a list of the most common forms used when doing ATONCU work.  Each form is listed in a PDF or MS Word format with a small description of what the form is for.  For a complete understanding of each form and their use, please read the Bridge, Aids to Navigation and Chart Updating Guide which can be located here under Publications.
 For National Forms, visit Auxiliary Forms Warehouse

 (PDF - 7054)
Use this new Excel formatted form for reporting discrepancies observed on Federal Short
Range Aids to Navigation to D11 (dpw) and your CG ANT Unit.  Also when observing
discrepancies and non-permitted Private Aids to Navigation to D11 (dpw) Private Aids.  
This is a great tool for documenting Non-Permitted Private Aids-aids that the owner does
not have a permit on file with the CG D11 (dpw) Private aids.  Use the NS-7054 Form
to complete your observation report and e-mail or mail to DSO-NS
for transmission to the proper Coast Guard Unit. Make sure to file a 7030 with your FSO-IS.
Download this Excel form to your computer. This worksheet is designed for managing the
collection of your observations when multi-tasking chart updating activity is necessary,
such as for marina surveys or composite sections of shoreline. Data fields are provided for
the essential data for each planned observation. Prepare this worksheet online to enhance
the professionalism of your final CU report. Explanation of each field can be found in the
NS-CU02 Chart Updating Training Guide.
Download this Excel form to your computer. This worksheet is designed for managing
the collection of your observations when multi-tasking chart updating activity is
necessary, such as for marina surveys or composite sections of shoreline. Data fields
are provided for the essential data for each planned observation. Prepare this worksheet
online to enhance the professionalism of your final CU report. Explanation of each field
can be found in the NS-CU02 Chart Updating Training Guide.
 N/A  PATON Sheets  Annually  
The Private Aids to Navigation sheets are provided by your FSO-AN which receives
them from the SO-AN.  If you have not received your annual PATON sheets be sure
to contact the appropriate Officer shown above.
 N/A  Bridge Survey Sheets  Annually  
The Private Aids to Navigation sheets are provided by your FSO-AN which receive them
from the SO-AN.  If you have not received your annual PATON sheets be sure to contact
the appropriate Officer shown above.

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