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Announcement 0 Pre-Load Code

The real power in WOW is in Smart Tags. Smart Tags are a way to pull data out of AUXDATA and use the information in logic. The code snippets supplied by the District CS team are tested and used on the District’s WOW site. The District is making the HTML code and Smart Tag code snippets available to all CS officers who would like to use them.

NOTE: Use these at your own risk. The District does not take any responsibility for your site when using any of the Smart Tags or HTML code supplied. Working inside the HTML code in WOW can brake your site. There is no support from the National Help Desk when using HTML or Smart Tags.

The District DSO-CS, Mart Gardner is willing to help you if you need help. None the less it’s very important to follow the direction give with each set of HTML code or Smart Tags.

Both Smart Tags and HTML code snippets require some pre-loaded code. This is done by way of an Announcement. The announcement must be the first one on the page. It works as an extenuation of <head /> if you understand HTML. Therefor, it must be read first thing and is only good on the page it’s found on. When the next page is loaded the pre-load code is lost. So each page will need it’s own set of pre-load code. From this point on we will call the pre-load code announcement 0 “SMART TAG PRELOAD (DO NOT EDIT)” you may name it anything you want.

The following link is to the standard set of pre-load code. Make sure the code in announcement 0 is running the most recent version of code when using any of the HTML or Smart Tags

BUG FIX; Smart Tags has a known bug with an easy fix. The "Posted Date" and "Start Date" must be set back at less one day from the day you are building the new page in order for Smart Tags to work.  

Announcement 0 Link

Tue, 28 May 19   Posted by: Mart Gardner