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Past Commanders Association (PCA)

PCA President Nancy Marion

Nancy Marie Marion
PCA President

If you’re driven to succeed as a leader in today’s USCG Auxiliary, you understand the importance of continually increasing your knowledge and skills. Ongoing training and education can boost your Auxiliary growth and unlock your full potential. We encourage you to increase your knowledge by focusing on training beyond the basics.

The Past Commanders Association (PCA) is made up of former Division Commanders with years of experience in Auxiliary leadership and who are committed to the future of the Auxiliary. The PCA volunteers hundreds of hours to educating the new and upcoming leadership of tomorrows Auxiliary.


Join the PCA


Requirements to be a member of the PCA:

  • Serve six months or more as a  Division Commander (DCDR)
  • Pay dues of $3.00 per year or $30.00 for a lifetime membership
  • Send checks to Michelle Thompson @ 763 W 3150 S, Syracuse, UT 84075-8006. 
  • Make the check out to; USCG Aux PCA, put PCA dues in the memo area. 

The gap between knowing and doing is greater
than that between ignorance and knowing

(Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton, 2000)