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District 11NR Public Information - Marine Safety

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Marine Environmental Education Programs

USCG Sea Partners Programs: Public outreach and education programs for marine environmental protection. Available material includes:

        • Our Water Planet (pamphlet)
        • How’s the Water (pamphlet)
        • Help Us Protect the Marine Environment (pamphlet)
        • Guide for a Cleaner Boating Environment (pamphlet)
        • Report Marine Pollution (Sticker)
        • And more USCG Publications & Information


Ocean Conservancy "Good Mate" program: Detailed info can be downloaded at this link. Manuals, documents, and PowerPoints are available through D11NR Assistant District Marine Safety Officer, ADSO-MS/ME.

Oceans and Coastal Protection US EPA Office of Water. Access to information on ocean discharges, ocean dumping, marine debris efforts.

Beach Watch US EPA Office of Water. The program provides grants to state, tribal, interstate, and local agencies to establish effective monitoring and public notification programs for beaches. The first federal site to contain information about local beach closings and conditions.

NOAA Marine Fisheries Service - Info on endangered species and marine mammal information

NOAA National Ocean Service - Publications available on-line

National Estuary Program - US EPA information about this effort to protect and restore the health of estuaries while supporting economic and recreational activities

Nonpoint Source Pollution Control - US EPA information about polluted runoff and exchange information about methods for reducing the effects of this environmental issue.

USCG Aux Clean Marina Programs


Center for Marine Conservation program



California Dept of Boating & Waterways and California Coastal Commission
  Protecting & Enhancing California's Coast


Education and outreach program that promotes environmentally sound boating practices 
  Educating boaters and others to be safe and environmentally sound
  Want to make a difference for our coast and ocean!

Waterway Watch Program


CALL 911


America’s Waterway Watch (AWW) is a Counter Terrorism public outreach effort by the Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary, and other federal, state and local agencies tasked with the responsibility of maritime security. The purpose of America’s Waterway Watch is to use the “eyes and ears” of waterfront users, such as boaters, marina operators, and other waterfront concessionaires, to detect and report suspicious activity that may be terrorist related.A

District 11 Northern Region consists of a large number of ports, port support facilities, and waterfront located industries in the West Coast. The San Francisco Bay Area not only represents a major Critical Maritime Infrastructure vitally essential to the U.S. economy, it also presents possibly the highest visibility on an international scale of being an attractive and vulnerable terrorist target.

Therefore, Waterway Watch efforts in the San Francisco Bay Area should be concentrated on potential Maritime Infrastructure targets.  This would include all bridges, all port and port service facilities in San Francisco and Oakland particularly. Port facilities and oil refineries in Richmond. And, finally, the Waterway Watch program would include any industry, any fenced area, any building, or any waterfront facility, pier, or berth area that has an MARSEC sign displayed.

[Additional Information on MARSEC Level]



Suspicious waterfront loitering

Forcible access Persons photographing, taping or sketching Boaters seeming to be forcibly controlled Apparently dangerous loads and/or cargoes Items that appear to be weapons or explosives Boats loitering under bridges or by locks or dams Diving operations near any critical infrastructure Boats or divers in naval protection zones Note appearance, size, coloring of individuals Note type of boat, car, registration, etc. If diving is involved, note color of equipment  


REPORT WHAT YOU SEE TO 1-877-24-WATCH (1-877-249-2824)