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District 11NR Marine Safety

National Prevention Directorate ►          America's Waterway Watch   ►        

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Joseph Chavoen, DSO-MS

Joseph R. Chavoen, DSO-MS

Mission Statement

There are a number of ways Auxiliarists can contribute to the missions of the Auxiliary in the Marine Safety area.

Some of the missions require direct involvement with the Coast Guard, but there are plenty of ways you can support our missions from anywhere in the district.

Like any Auxiliary program, your first inquiry should be through the chain of leadership and management. Your FSO-MS should be conversant with the marine safety opportunities available in your area, and your FSO-MT should be able to identify training opportunities in the area.

If you or your flotilla officers need additional assistance, contact your SO-MS Officer.

District Marine Safety Staff

Joesph R. Chavoen, DSO-MS
Jeffrey Brian Fite , ADSO-MS-DP

"The Auxiliary Prevention Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Programs (MSEP) 
are responsible to support the Coast Guard's Operations Directorate's Prevention Programs."

Current ADSO's

ADSO-MS/FBO (Auxiliary Ferry Boat Outreach)
ADSO-MS/CFV (Commercial Fishing Vessels)
ADSO-MS/UPV (Uninspected Passenger Vessels)
ADSO-MS/AWW (America's Waterway Watch Reports)
Incident Management/Pollution Training
ADSO-MS/MEP Quindy Elizabeth Sammler Marine Environmental Protection