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District 11NR RESPONSE - Emergency Management

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Nikolay Igorevich Zherebnenkov, DSO-EM
Send email to DSO-EM

Christoper Bryce Leinan
Alan Stanton
Joseph Heap
Bruce Martin

. . .in time of disaster

District 11NR Contingency Plan

     Lessons learned from Auxiliary response to incidents such as Hurricanes Katrina/Rita/Isaac, 
     Deepwater Horizon, Haiti and Superstorm Sandy showed areas of improvement.


Incident Management is an evolving function in the Coast Guard, and the Auxiliary recognizes the need to keep pace with that expansion. Auxiliary Sector Coordinators have had the task of monitoring and improving Auxiliary performance and readiness in support of Sector needs, but managing critical incidents puts an additional strain on incident staff and responders.


To effectively manage incidents it is critical that prior planning and training take place among responders. To aid in overcoming challenges in these areas, the position of District Staff Officer – Incident Management and Preparedness has been developed and approved and will be effective starting 01 JAN 2015.


Everbridge is now “in service.”

Purpose -  “What do we use Everbridge for?"
 The purpose of the Everbridge tool is to enhance the capabilities of the District and Divisions in the areas of:
· < font size="1" style="font-family: "Times New Roman", serif, EmojiFont;">        District incidents and emergency notifications
· Mobilization of members and assets
· Member accountability
Guidelines -  When will Everbridge be used and by whom?"
Everbridge may be used as necessary upon approval of an EXCOM member, Division Commander, Auxiliary Sector Coordinator or Auxiliary Unit Coordinator. Leadership approval is necessary to activate the Everbridge notification system
The use of Everbridge is reserved for the types of notifications listed above, unless authorized by the District Commodore. Everbridge is not to be used for routine, non-emergency communications (e.g. regular meeting announcements). Everbridge is the primary tool for member accountability
Everbridge use is assigned to the DSO-Emergency Management and his/her ADSOs. These individuals will use the online Everbridge University to acquire an Everbridge Mass Notification Message Sender certification. DSO/ADSOs for IM are the primary users of the Everbridge system. Others may be trained and designated as necessary and determined by the District.
Everbridge users shall make every attempt to tailor the notifications to the affected audience (e.g. COXN) in order to minimize disruption to D11n members. IM staff may be create specialty call-out lists (filters) to use as necessary. Message Templates may be developed and used by IM to make the process speedier and more efficient.
Everbridge will be exercised in a regular and ongoing manner.
Exercise/Drill Schedule May Include:
            Monthly email only between ADSO’s and EXCOM
            Quarterly Board & Staff Accountability drill (all paths)
            Semi - Annual District Accountability Drill (all paths)
Call-Outs (mobilization) may be used for
            COOP activations by a Sector or District
            Other emergency incidents, such as Hurricane Harvey.
            Fire/weather event notifications and/or accountability for affected             members
Individual Contact Details -  How does Everbridge know what to call?
•The contact details in Everbridge are obtained from AUXDATA II, so it is essential that all members ensure their details are up to date.
•Changes to your contact information can be submitted in AUXDATA II using the 7028 webform link from your Details page and submitted to your FSO-IS.


Contact Paths - How Long will Everbridge keep calling?


Alerts are sent by SMS (text message), by email to your listed email addresses and by voice message to your cell phone, home phone and work phone in a repeating cycle. The delivery method can be edited to use just one or a combination of the available methods. The number of cycles and their duration can also be edited by the sending IM Officer.


Once you acknowledge initial receipt of the alert (sent by any of the broadcast methods), the system will stop sending you further alerts.


Over the next month, the DSO will meet with several active duty personnel to brief them on the program and take their initial feedback. From there we will create a Gap Analysis and Plan for the next few years. We are developing an ICS refresher for incidents and events to be held at the next PCA – stay tuned!
I encourage you to start using the ICS process in your Flotilla events. If you want coaching or training, contact DSO-EM and I will do my best to provide it to you.
If you wish to have your unique skills used by the active duty, the first step is to enter your info in Skills Bank . . . link . If you do not wish to be used in this manner, you do not have to enter your info!
D-Train video regarding the new IM program