District 11NR Finance
Finance (FN) exercises responsibility and supervision over financial matters.
Keeps complete and understandable records of all original receipts, and
Responsibilities include: Annual Financial ReportAnnual BudgetContacts FSO-FN contact SO-FN.SO-FN contact: DSO-FNDSO-FN Rodney E. CollinsCalendar JAN 31 Form 7025 due to ADSO-FN/FMAR 1 Form 7025 delinquentJUL 1-31 Send member dues statementsAUG 1 -31 Member dues payableSEP 1 Member dues considered lateOCT 1 ANSC 7035 due to DSO-HRNOV 1 ANSC 7035 forwarded by DSO-HR to DIRAUX
District Calendar
DSO-FN Reports