Commodore's Mission Statement
The Mission of District 11 North (D11N) directly reflects the Auxiliary’s mission as delineated in the 2022-2028 National Strategic Plan:
- To promote and improve Recreational Boating Safety
- To provide a diverse array of specialized skills, trained crews, and capable facilities to augment the Coast Guard and to enhance the safety and security of our ports, waterways, and coastal regions
- To support Coast Guard operational, administrative, and logistical requirements
The "Watch Words" of D11N for 2023-2024 are:
Commitment: The Members of D11N are dedicated to the success of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, implementing the strategic directives as defined by the Commandant and National Commodore to the best of our abilities. Commitment to excellence, safety, resiliency, adaptability and diversity.
Proficiency: The members of D11N strive to be proficient in all aspects of mission programs of the Auxiliary, to efficiently support and augment the missions of the U.S. Coast Guard. Members will adhere to the high proficiency standards, training and currency maintenance standards.
Readiness: Upon committing to missions of the Auxiliary and adhering to the high proficiency, training and maintenance standards, the members of D11N will stand ready at all times. Members will always be prepared to fulfill our service commitment to the Coast Guard and the recreational boating public. Semper Paratus.
These will be the foundation from which all operations, missions, and activities are executed.
In any District Plan, both the Operational Plan of the Sector and the Strategic Plan of the Auxiliary National Commodore should be incorporated. This Operational Plan is a living document and will incorporate Sector San Francisco plans and goals when available.
- District 11 North Vision:
District 11 Northern Region will remain committed, proficient and ready, by maintaining dedicated and professional volunteers who are properly trained, standing Semper Paratus to accomplish the missions we are tasked--to promote safety of life and property, supporting the missions of the United States Coast Guard
Honor – Integrity is our standard. We demonstrate uncompounding ethical conduct and moral behavior in all of our personal and organizational actions. We are loyal and accountable to the public trust.
Respect – We value our diverse membership. We treat each other and those we serve with fairness, dignity and compassion. We encourage individual opportunity and growth. We encourage creativity through empowerment. We work as a team.
Devotion to Duty – We are volunteers who seek responsibility, accept accountability and are committed to the successful achievement of our organizational goals. We exist to serve. We serve with pride.
- DISTRICT 11 NORTH’S GOALS: Support of National Strategic Imperatives
District 11 North’s Goals are designed to support the strategic imperatives outlined in the 2022-2028 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary National Strategic Plan. In addition to the District goals to support the National initiatives, each District Staff Officer creates annual goals that further support these initiatives. Progress towards District goals are communicated to D11N EXCOM monthly and reviewed at each District Board and Staff meeting.
Surface Operations: D11N has 114 facilities manned by 77 Coxswain and 145 qualified Boat Crew who patrol the Pacific Coastal waters from the California/Oregon border to below Monterey (including the San Francisco Bay and Santa Cruz), the California Delta, Lake Tahoe, Lake Shasta, Lake Don Pedro, Lake Jordanelle and numerous smaller lakes and rivers. Our Operational Facilities provide a platform for CG Air Stations (both SF and Humboldt) to train, practice, and qualify for helicopter operations/rescues at sea.
Air Operations: D11N has an active Air Aux program with 13 aircraft, 10 pilots and 13 air crew /observers that perform search and rescue missions, Coast Guard logistical support, work with our partner agencies such as NOAA and the Monterey and Farallon Marine Sanctuaries. Additionally, D11N assists D11S in their air program training and air facility certification.
Telecommunications: D11N has a very strong Communications program. Consisting of 90 TCOs, 75 land mobiles, 22 fixed radios, 5 Communications trailers, and the D11N Auxiliary Communications Vehicle (ACV). We provide communication support for Coast Guard operational and support missions, multi-agency activities such as Fleet Week, Fireworks programs, Tall Ships events, OPTREXs and other large water events in the San Francisco Bay Area and throughout our District.
Food Services: D11N has 23 very active AUX Culinary Assistant members who provide support to Food Services at small boat stations, Admiral’s receptions, changes of command, active duty retirements, OPTREXs, District Board and Staff meetings, other Auxiliary events, and Coast Guard cutters. A few members have served underway for weeks at a time supporting Food Services on cutters.
Relational Leadership - I believe in treating our members with care and respect can be very helpful in many ways. Leaders who lead with a relational leadership style would take the time to determine what makes the members more engaged and involved. Engaged members are more productive and more likely to remain loyal to the Auxiliary.
Positive Future Vision Leadership – I believe leaders who are optimistic about the members’ potential will constantly be on the lookout for qualities that they wish to cultivate in themselves and their members, and also improves the chances of leading a successful organization.
Solution-Oriented Leadership – I believe in focusing on the challenges as new opportunities to develop unique solutions, to help the other leaders and their members cultivate new skills. There will be challenges. Leaders should inspire themselves and their members to overcome any challenges by focusing on the solutions instead of problems.
Servant Leadership – “The servant leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve first.” (Robert Greenleaf – founder of the modern servant leadership movement). It focuses on the growth and well-being of members in the organization, seeks to help the members they lead grow as individuals. The servant leaders also focus on providing their members with development opportunities. The servant leaders put their members first.
Very respectfully,
Curtis Han
District Commodore - D11N
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary – the best trained, most valued maritime volunteer organization in the world – highly effective during normal operations and ready for emergencies.
“Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.” —
General Colin Powell