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District 11NR Awards Committee

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The District Awards Committee promotes and supports recognition for our members.

Write an Award Nomination Graphic of paper and pen
       Award Writing Made Easy  ...Power Point Presentation
This presentation was created using;
“Award Writing Made Easy Handbook” developed by 
U.S. Coast Guard Leadership and Quality Institute.
        Awards Primer...USCG Auxiliary
Information includes basic acronyms, award processing, completing Form 1650, drafting, expectations, and samples.
        Documents to Assist
                    Certificates - National PA Data Base  
                    Awards Recognition Handbook   
         Awards "Cheat Sheet"   Vocabulary to assist with award writing
Form CG-1650/ANSC-7002
Award Recommendation (must accompany each award)
Submit to Steve Salmon

   Committee Awards 
         USCG Auxiliary Commandant Letter of Commendation...template
         USCG Auxiliary Achievement Medal...template
         USCG Auxiliary Commendation Medal...template

          USCG Auxiliary Medal of Operational Merit

     USCG Meritorious Team Commendation



 Letter of Commendation   Auxiliary Achievement Award   Auxiliary Commendation   Award of Operational Merit


 View 2008 Awards presented during DTRAIN

Information regarding District