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Aux Op ICS

Wed, 19 Mar 14  


 Auxiliary Now Accepts ICS 300 and ICS 400 not taught by CG


SO-MT's / Division Commanders cc'd,

Please review the email chain from National (MT) and CHDirAux.

In summary, any ICS 300 and/or ICS 400 (ICS 300 is a pre-requisite
for ICS 400), may be honored for entry into AUXDATA and count towards AUXOP.
It's been a long hard fight to accomplish this goal but it has
finally come to a completion.
The only 'criteria' is that the certificate must be issued by a
creditable source.
Normally, these classes take 40 hours to complete in their entirety.
Class date ranges should be shown on the certificate.
Any prior ICS 300's or 400's regardless of completion date is
authorized. These do NOT
have to be taught by the Coast Guard.
All emails being sent to Mr. Paul Neumiller ([email protected])
for entry into AuxData should be CC'd to me ( [email protected])
Should any of you have any questions, please feel free to contact
me at your convenience.


Tom Mullally